Subject: The Secret Power To Infinite Motivation...

So here's a bit of a crazy coincidence Friend...

Yesterday, I was reading my journal from 20 years ago and I stumbled upon this passage.

So 20 years ago, I'm writing in my journal about how one of my greatest desires is to give, as much as I can, each day, each second, each moment of my life...

Then, 20 years later, I'm being recognized on stage by one of the men I respect, love and admire most for an award, and he says...

"Paul, contributes more than anyone..."  

How do you think this made me feel Friend?

It literally touched my soul in the deepest possible way.

And that's why I was inspired today, to make this video on the hidden secret of TRUE motivation.

First, we have to be seen...

And 2nd... we have to be seen in the ways we want to be seen.

If you truly want to inspire yourself and others, Friend...

This may be the real secret, that unlocks the divine power & potential deep inside each and every one of us.

To your infinite freedom and unlimited possibility filled future,

~ Paul Hutchings


PS - Check out this post in our Facebook group from yesterday..

This, is what did it, for Bill.

PPS - Please let me know if you have any questions for me or of there's specific I can do to help you with your business.