Subject: The Secret Map to Riches...

Happy Freedom Friday Friend!

Holy Smokes! Today's mastermind was FIRE! 🔥

It's called The Hidden Map To Riches and there were SOOO many great golden nuggets shared.

One of my favorites was when my friend, whom I affectionally call, 'Booker the freeeeedom cooker' said...

“Go where your celebrated, not tolerated.”

BOOM!  Most people completely underestimate the power of who you choose to surround yourself with.

Charlie Tremendous Jones once said that the only difference between your life today, and your life 5 - 10 years from now is...

1.The Books you read

2. The people you meet

I remember back when I first started learning some of this stuff.. I was working in a call center making 11.09 cents per hour and every day at lunch time, I would go hang out with my fellow employees in the cafeteria.

Guess what we did Friend?

We would sit around and complain about everything.

True story. The bosses, the company, the pay, - you name it - we trash talked it.

Then one day, I asked myself... "How is this affecting me?"

The answer I came up with was...




I decided that I would change, and made the decision to go into a private room during the lunch hour and read instead.

And that's what I did.

So, instead of hearing what my fellow negative, hourly employees were telling me...

I got to hear, instead, what people like Tony Robbins (who has a net worth of $600 million dollars) had to say.

Needless to say, the affect on me and my future was profound.

Even though I was living in a single wide trailer-house at the time, I was able (thanks to great mentors, and choosing to surround myself with people who lifted me) to go on to build a life of complete and total financial freedom.

Not only that Friend, I've been able to help build something that's blessing the lives of people I love.

Check out this text message I got yesterday from a friend who is benefitting financially from what I have helped to build...

I can't tell even begin to tell you Friend, how much that message means to me and how it made me feel.

I'm blown away that God has been able to allow me to play a small role in helping to bless the lives of others.

None of this would have happened had I not made those 2 powerful choices all those years ago.

Friend, if you find yourself surrounded by people who are not helping you to be the best you can be, and live your full potential in life, I'd love to invite you to plug into our community.

This community makes me feel appreciated, celebrated, loved, and believed in.

It’s been a boon to my soul, daily, for over 11 years now.

I'm so thankful for every person who pours in, or has poured in over the last decade to help shine this light into my life and into the world around us.

What a gift and a treasure!

There is no cost to plug into our community.

Just click the link I shared at the beginning of this email or pick up your phone right now and dial 667-770-1524 access code 565762#.

It could be one of the greatest decisions you'll ever make.

Thanks for reading and I hope you have an awesome weekend!

All the best,


PS - If you're open to more prosperity in your life Friend, it might be a good idea to take a close look at this unique and revolutionary business model.