Subject: The Secret Glue Of Residual Income And...

Hey Friend,

Happy Freedom Friday!

Any fun plans for the weekend?

We're going to the Walker Hayes concert tonight V.I.P style as I mentioned earlier this week. YEE HAW. I'll let you know how it goes.

Anyway, you may know I've been building residual income streams from home for nearly 2 decades now.

Over that time, I've seen a lot.

There seem to be a number of things that crush residual income for people, and make it seem like it's a complete myth for many others.

One of the BIG ones, just so happens to be our freedom crusaders alliance negative character attribute for the month.

It's one of those ideas that tends to float right over the conciousness of most people.

Because this idea is somewhat invisible and hard to define, most people brush it off as philisophical nonsense and continue to run around chasing the little block of cheese reward they think is waiting for them on the "Home Business Hamster Wheel."

If you decide to watch today's video, you won't be one of them.

Inspiring those within your influence to adopt and follow this principle, mostly because you've adopted it and follow it yourself - is one of the greatest things you can do to attract and retain a group of people - who will help sustain your residual income far off into the future.

Additionally, I expose a common tactic, sometimes used by those in leadership, to attempt to manipulate people by distorting the meaning and the essense of what this principle really is.

In case you haven't seen this play out in your life before, watching today's video can help prepare you for those times in the future, when this weapon may be used against you.

I also wanted to send today's Grow Rich Mastermind Replay your way.

It's called The Divine Law of Reward, and understanding this concept, has always felt like a way to guarantee my success in the future.

You can click here or on the image below to listen if you want.

Alternatively, you can also access the replay all weekend by dialing 712-432-0990 Access 565762#.

This morning in our facebook group, one of our members posted this about our Grow Rich Mastermind and community...

What a gift for Dennis to say that, as "going the extra mile" and "delivering more in use value than we take from the market in cash value," is one of our deep intentions.

Thank you so much Dennis for helping us to know we're on the right track with these calls.

That's all for now Friend.

Catch ya next week!


PS: I'll be hosting our new member orientation tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM EST, so if you happen to be one of the one's who walked through our doorway to freedom this week (or decide to do so today), you can join me to learn how to get your business and income off to a fast start.

PPS: Here's a shorter version of that presentation in case you just want to get the info quickly.

If you've already seen our incredible heart centered cash flow machine, and have been meaning to get started as it's only $25 and you get over $1,000 in bonuses - you can skip over having to watch the video again by using this link to fill out the form and get started A.S.A.P.  

As long as you're in before tomorrow morning, you'll get an email with your special access link to the new member orientation.

Hope to see you there Friend!