Subject: The Real Source Of Profits

Happy Freedom Friday Friend!

It's another great day to be alive isn't it?

This week I got a call from one of my friends & team members. Her name is Mamma Elizabeth & I met her many years ago when she started dialing into our daily Grow Rich Mastermind.

She found us not long after her husband of many years, Richard, had passed on and she'll be the first one to tell you that our call was such a blessing for her as she was continuing to move forward in life.

She's been a huge blessing and gift to us to.

Anyway, a few years ago I spent some time on a video conference, helping her pick out the perfect domain name for her business.

She wanted to target others who were of retirement age and also looking for a way to grow an extra income.

We wrote down a bunch of ideas, checking them all in the domain registrar, and finally settled on Golden Years Income . com

I knew that domain name was a winner.

Anyway, a couple years go by and she gets a phone call from someone wanting to buy this domain from her.

Get this, they offered her $2,000.

She was so tickled because she'd only spent around $12 for the domain and this extra windfall of cash was coming to her at the perfect time.

This little profitible flip of online real estate inspired my wife to begin searching for some other good domains.

That then, inspired me to go find & buy some more.

I ended up purchasing 34 domain names this week.

I posted about it on social media and one of my friends made the comment that he could never see how or why anyone would buy domains to sell.

He also talked about how he couldn't imagine why anyone would want to pay over $12 for a domain.

My reply comment to him was "different strokes for different folks.'

I can see his point and up till now, I've never purchased a domain name with the intention of selling it for more money.

Just like my friend, I couldn't see the value in doing so and/or that anyone would want to pay more than $12 for a domain.

This week, and through these circumstances, I was reminded of the real source of profits.


Just because I and my friend couldn't see why someone would want to pay more than $12 for a domain, doesn't change the fact that someone DID pay mamma elizabeth $2,000 for hers.

It also doesn't change the fact that recently, was sold for 1.8 million dollars to a tech entrepreneur because it was the perfect match for the product he wanted to bring to market.

The real source of profits, is being able to see and take action on what others don't see and sieze.

For this, we need vision.

Vision is not something that's gifted to us at birth.

It's something we can choose to develop.

We do this by constantly putting new ideas and experiences into our minds, and being open to changing beliefs or perpsectives we may have formerly held when new facts present themselves.

I've seen this play out in other areas of my business over the years.

Many people didn't think my friend and I could start a business from scratch, using our knowledge alone, and build a company that others would love.

They also didn't believe that we could do this AND pay 80% commissions.

But guess what Friend, we did and now that business has paid out over 5.6 million dollars in commissions to affiliates and helped to provide over 300,000 days of meals to kids in need.

All from an idea we saw (that with vision) had potential.

Your vision matters and odds are high, that if you're working on developing your vision you can absoutely see what others don't see.

This will continue to be the case and your vision will sharpen and crystalize as you continue to learn and take action with an open mind.

Be very careful about who you allow to criticize your vision because the cold hard fact is,

Most people can't see what you can see.

And this very truth, is the REAL source of profits.

More on today's mastermind replay.

Thanks for reading and whatever you do, always go for your dreams!

Paul Hutchings

PS:  You can also catch the replay from your phone by dialing 712-432-0990 Access: 565762#