Subject: The Path To Instant Riches

Hey Friend,

Hope you had a great weekend! I got some really awesome family time in. Friday night we went to see Meg 2 at the theatre (everyone liked it) and saturday we went on a family hike to a waterfall.

Here's a quick pic.

Ok enough of the small talk right?

The reason for this email is to tell you about a mysterious email I received over the weekend and, along the way, hopefully reveal to you (or remind you) of The Path To Instant Riches.

One of the hardest things for me to do is say good bye to people and relationships that I love.

I'm currently in the process of doing this and to be honest, it hurts my heart a bit.

The reasons for these good byes can be many, but reguardless of the reason, if you love people, good byes are hard.

So I'm in the middle or towards the end of doing this in a relationship, and dealing with all the inner turmoil and memories and sadness that this type of thing brings, and out of the blue...

I get an email from a subscriber named David, who tells me this incredible story of how he found our company.

This story involves prayer, meditation and randomly flipping cards to discover surprise messages for moving forward.

One of the lines from the email said "Yes, I'm into the woo-woo stuff."   :-)

Little did this person know, that the cards he flipped over for himself that led him to our company, contained the EXACT 2 things I want for myself and others.

Not only that, these messages reminded me of WHY I'm currently ending the relationship I mentioned above and helped me to see that, truly, this was the way forward.



But maybe not.

I'm like David (the guy who wrote the email) and love to leave space for the woo woo stuff myself.

I think it sprinkles life with wonder and awe and helps me to remember that there is a TON that we mere mortals still don't know.

Lots of things may as well be magic for all we understand about how or why they work.

Anyway, I was (and am) super thankful that David took the time to write me this email and wanted to share the whole thing with you. (he has a cool story).

As I was reading his email for the first time, and then again today, I picked up what felt like a real energy. This energy, to me, was proof that David is practicing the path to instant riches.

You can see the whole email here, along with a full explanation of The Path To Instant Riches.

I hope this message is a blessing to your mind, heart, life and business today Friend.

That's all for now. Thank you so much for reading and for being subscribed to my email list.

All the best,


PS: If you desire more financial freedom and good vibes in your life, this may be something that can help.