Subject: The Only 2 Ways To Create Success In A Home Biz [GP12]

Hey Friend,

How's it going?

I realized I always ask my friends that when we're connecting 1 on 1 - and since I think of you as my friend, I figured - I should ask you the same question. ;-)

Anyway, I wanted to send you today's Good Parts Episode #12. It's called... (drum roll please)...

And if for some strange tech-related reason, you can't see that image - I'll plug it here in the text of this email too...

▶️ The Only 2 Ways To Create Success In A Home Business

There is a semi-secret 3rd way that popped up in my brain as I was preparing for this episode, but I'd already made the title & thumbnail and didn't want to change it, so I'm throwing in the 3rd one as a little bonus for all those who watch today's video. :-)

As with all my content, usually there are some tangents that pop up in the midst of the stream that sometimes, can be valuable too.

Today - We have the concept of "Uncashed Checks" (and how to cash them of course) - and some of the hidden benefits and reasons as to why people join a home business.

If you understand some of these other reasons, I think you (and I) can speak in a better way to the people we want to serve AND create a space for all of them to continue to find joy, love and acceptance in whatever communities we're building - and that my friend, not only is the right thing to do, but also seems to be the profitible thing to do too, because it increases retention - which is great for building long-term, stable - residual income.

Anywho, here's the link to the show - if you feel inclined to watch, and reguardless - thanks for being such an awesome soul on my email list who lets me continue to do my best to send you things that hopefully, will inspire and empower more freedom in your life.

All the best,


PS - Huge shout out to Ashlee Howell who got started with us in The HBA Yesterday. (she's the one on the right)

She tracked down some of my Good Parts Episodes and reached out. WAHOOO! What I'm teaching in these episodes seems to be working!

She also lives right here in my home town and is the mom of one of my son's friends.

I guess online marketing is the new school way to do old school and still, somehow reach friends & family - without directly reaching out to friends and family. ha ha.. Seriously, how cool is that!?

Oh - I almost forgot Friend, I've been making some little shorts on some of my studies recently - which is pointed in a spiritual direction, at the moment - and I wanted to share today's video. It's only 1 minute and 11 seconds long, and just might shine some light into your day today - especially if you're in a rush. Here's the link to chekout the Ancient Soul Secret video.  Hope you like it!