Subject: The Novelty Dilemma In Home Business [SOLVED]

Hey Friend,

Hope you're doing amazing! It's been crazy busy at my house because the kids are all home for summer and I swear sometimes, it feels like I'm a full time employee and my kids are the boss. :-)

Yesterday I helped my son Camden buy a car, then I helped my other son Kayden apply for a job, then I watched my 3rd son, Kashton, play in his Championship baseball game.

Spoiler alert, THEY WON! :-)

Even though sometimes as a dad, it feels like I have little time left for myself, I have to remember this was all a huge part of the reason I decided to go for freedom in my life.

I'm super thankful to have the time to be a full time dad for my kids when they need me.

In fact, the other night I had, what I thought, was a nightmare where my son Kashton had fallen off the edge of a cliff and I had to run over and grab his hand and pull him up.

After thinking about it for a few days, I'm beginning to realize that it wasn't a nightmare, but instead was probably meant to remind me that my kids are going to need me in life, and that when they do, my job is to be there for them.

Anyway, that's not the point of this email. The point is to share something that has solved a big problem for me over the years, and I think could also help a TON of people in the home business profession.

I like to call this The Novelty Dilemma

Last night on our members coaching, we had a great trainer who mentioned that on his journey to retire from school teaching, he joined 40 different businesses.


I thought my 17 was a high number.

If you've been around, or choose to stay around the home biz game for a while you'll probably see that this type of thing is SUPER common.

It's usually called "Shiny Object Syndrome" and the MAJOR problem with it is....

It's nearly impossible to create a residual income you can count on if you're contanstly joining new businesses all the time.

Reason for this is, residual income requires a sense of trust and stability from your customers and team members and nothing can destroy that faster than jumping ship all the time.

I think one of the reasons I did this, and many others are still doing it, is because we as humans seem to crave novelty.

Novelty is simply 'something new'.

We get bored really fast and being bored is like having an itch that needs to be scratched.

Sooo... many people will scratch this itch by joining a new business.

(And KILLING their residual income in the process)

What's the solution?

Learn to find novelty in other ways while you continue to stay focused on the same business.

For example:  My business partner talked yesterday, on our Grow Rich Mastermind, about how he's switching niches for his marketing.

He's now going to be learning new things and creating new types of videos, and thereby scratching his novelty itch.

Notice he's not changing his vision and he's not changing his business opportunity. That stays the same but he still gets novelty.

There are other ways do to this and I'm sure you can think of a bunch.

You can read books that have nothing to do with home business or online marketing & residual income and while you're doing that... simply look for lessons you can relate back to your target audience.

This is yet another way to scratch that novelty itch without shooting yourself in the foot.

There are TONS of things you can change in your process so you don't get bored while you stay committed to the horse you're riding to freedom.

If you learn to do this, you can stay consistant with your "Main Thing" and be free all while mixing it up along the way.

This might seem like a simple idea but I promise you it can change your entire future if you'll embrace it and learn to distract yourself with shiny balls that serve you instead of hurt you.

Just something to think about.

Thanks for reading and I hope you make it the best day ever and be sure to do something to help someone and move your business forward today.

All the best,


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PS - Building a life of freedom is much closer and simpler than most people realize. So much nonsense is added on by so many people that I think for many, it gets WAY over complicated.

That's one of the reasons I LOVE this presentation from Saturday.

It breaks down, to the bare bones, what's actually required to build a residual income stream that can free you from the rat race and quite possibly do it, much faster than you may have thought possible.

If you decide to watch, pay close attention to the tips I share from Elon Musk. This type of thinking is so helpful, not just for building freedom but for eliminating nonsense from other areas of life too.