Subject: The Noblest of Pleasures

Hey Friend,

Leaonardo da Vinci once said...

'The Joy of understanding is the noblest of pleasures.'

Do you know the feeeling?

When an idea or unique set of words strikes your conciousness like a bolt of lightning, and suddenly, as if some sort of magic has occured, you see something that you didn't see before and the sensation is like...

"ahhhhhhhhh.... "

This is, I think, a joy that is GOOOOOOOD to get addicted to.

One thing I learned about Anthony Robbins a while back is that, early on in his career, he began to associate a high degree of pleasure with finding good ideas and then sharing them.

Falling in love with 'the noblest of pleasures' turned him into a very wealthy and influential man.

This last week, as I was driving around with my 15 year old son, Camden, I decided I would try to get him to listen to some good ol' fashioned Jim Rohn.

He whined and moaned about wanting to listen to music instead, so I found some of Mr. Rohn's talks on spotify that had music tracks behind them. (sneaky dad right?) ;-)

While it turns out that I haven't yet been able to entice my son into the finer culture of 'Noble Pleasure Addiction', I did happen to pick up a noble pleasure for myself in the process.

In today's Good Parts Episode, I'd love to share this little pleasure with you.

I hope you find it to be as much of a delight to your mind as I did.

All the best,


PS: We are seriously having so much fun with this trinity transformation challenge. If you would like to stretch yourself a bit and grow in health, wealth or wisdom with us over the next few months, I'd love to invite you to learn all about our challenge here. (no purchase necessary)

PPS:  One of my best friends here in South East Idaho told me he tuned into the Grow Rich Mastermind yesterday and really loved the experience. He especially loved the collaberation that happens during the mastermind where we can benefit from the wisdom of so many people.

I hosted again today and you can find the replay here if you want to check it out.

One of the ideas shared in the reading portion of the mastermind is directly responsible for my success and freedom. If you're not aware of this idea yet Friend, it could truly be a game changer for you.

You can also hear it by dialing 712-432-0990 Access 565762# (it will be up all weekend)

Bye for now Friend!