Subject: The Mystic Fortune Cookie

Hey Friend,

I took one of my boys to Chinese buffet on Saturday and on the way in he asked if I wanted him to understate his age a little so we could save a few bucks off his meal.

I said ”is your integrity worth a couple bucks?”

“Just tell the truth son. Your character is worth more than money.”

During our lunch I told him “One day, we’re all gonna die and what will matter then is whether or not we’re happy with the way we lived and treated people.”

When I opened my fortune cookie it said something about how “your deposits in integrity will produce great returns.”

I showed my son and he smiled.

I tell people all the time that trust is my most valuable business asset.

Sure seems as though it’s not just the right thing, it’s also the profitable thing.

A short time lie may carry short term profits, but is it worth sacrificing the long term ones?

I think this is one of the biggest home business success lessons.

Short term vs long term…

Choose wisely Friend.

(I know you probably already are so in that case, just want to say 'keep up the great work because just like I learned from The Mystic Fortune Cookie, your deposits in integrity will produce great returns also). :-)

Paul Hutchings  

PS - My mind is sort of blown because our company has grown by a STAGGERING 22% in the last 3 weeks. Check this out...

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