Hey Friend,
Got a few things percolating around in my conciousness today that you may find some value in. (fingers totally crossed) :-)
A few weeks back, I shared a quote on social media from Carl Jung that went as follows:
"No matter how isolated you are and how lonely you feel, if you do your work truly and concientiously, unknown friends will come and seek you."
That quote resonated as deeply true for my journey and so I posted it, without thinking much more about it.
This month, our negative character attribute is disloyalty, so a few days ago, I made a video on the topic, attempting to understand it a bit more myself.
For some reason, loyalty, is a word that I seem to feel more with my heart than I understand with my brain, and so defining it, has been a bit of a challenge for me.
Coincidentally, my good Friend Bill Moist, who's been hosting our Grow Rich Mastermind every Thursday, called me to let me know he wants to focus all of his energy on fully restoring his health as he's been dealing with a little bit of a challenge in that area.
Of course I understood completely and let him know he had my full support.
Who would I have to fill in for him?
I already knew. A name was floating in my brain, of another long time friend, Jessie Jenkins over in New York.
I called her up yesterday to make the invitation and she was thrilled to accept.
While I was talking with her, she told me that she already had someone in mind to take over her current role as "Harmonic Engineer" because a short time back, another friend of ours "Kristi Hall" had offered to serve in her place if changes were ever needed.
And in the course of a few days, everything was handled in "Divine Order" as my other friend Minister Kristian likes to say.
On this morning's call as I made the announcement, I was inspired to search my email inbox to see how long Jessie and Bill had been tuning in and serving on our call.
Here's what I found.