Subject: The Most *Critical* Realization...

Hey Friend,

The other day, my friend Nick sent out a piece of content that helped me to remember one of the most powerful lessons I ever learned.

I made this short audio clip to share it.  

It could be the most powerful and far reaching lesson, of lessons, for long term success in life and business.

One of my goals is to always under promise and over deliver so If I'm overstating the value of what's in this audio, please feel free to listen and let me know in the comments below.

All the best,


PS - My vision is to help build one of the most free, enlightened, principle centered communities in the world so we can help to create positive change and impact as far and wide as we can.

If that vision resonates with you Friend, please take some time to watch this short video intro from me or the presentation of the business model we're using to bring our vision into reality, here with my friend Nick.  

PPS - So far, we've already paid out over 2 million in commissions and are on track to double that this year alone. We've also helped to provide over 135,000 days of meals to kids in need throughout the world.

What's most exciting, is, I feel like we're just getting started. :-)