Subject: The Money Happiness Myth Exposed

Happy Monday Friend,

Hope all is well in your world today.

Today I wanted to share with you an inspiring little story from my weekend that packs a super powerful prosperity building punch.

My wife and I are about to head out on a 2 week vacation to Italy and the Greek Isles and my youngest son Kashton was hoping we could find him a new dirtbike before we left.

He's 12 and he doesn't have a smartphone so apparently he realized he could log into Facebook with the VR set we have in our house. (resourceful right?)

The other day he started telling me about this person he'd messaged an offer to on a motorcycle.

I laugh because this kid is only 12, he has $300 saved up, and he's messaging adults asking them if they'd take less for the motorcycle they have for sell.

Anyway, he told me he found this great bike and that the guy said he'd sell it for $1,800 instead of the $2,000 he had it listed for.

Kashton has been helping me a TON around the house and even offering to help with things before we ask him to.

I really want to reward his initiative and so I agreed to go look at the bike.

Of course, Kashton would have to put his $300 down and get a loan from mom and dad for the rest because I want him to learn that in life, there is no free ride and that the things you want are possible if you're willing to work for them.

So Saturday Corene (my wife) and I, along with Kashton, hopped in the truck and made the drive to see this bike.

For Kashton it was love at first sight.

He hopped on it and drove it around with the biggest smile you could ever imagine.

It was the perfect size for him and so I told the guy, "We'll take it."

I pulled out the cash from my pocket and we loaded up the bike.

As Kashton was strapping it into the truck I heard him say....

“You have no idea how happy I am right now.”

I thought of something one of my good friends Bill Moist likes to say...

"Those who say that money doesn't buy happiness are shopping in the wrong store."  ;-)

Through this experience with my son, I realized Bill was right (sort of).

And that's where the Money Happiness Myth comes into the picture.

The truth is that Money can and does sometimes contribute to happiness.

The truth also is that Money can and does sometimes contribute to unhappiness.

The big myth is that there's always more to life and truth than clever one sentence phrases.

As they say "The devil is in the details."

In my experience it's not the money that brings the happiness but the good that money can do for us and the people we love that works the magic.

Friend, my hope is, the next time you hear someone say "Money doesn't buy happiness" you'll remember this little story and NOT let someone elses limiting belief affect your ability to create all the prosperity you desire for yourself and the people you love.

Thanks for reading and I hope you have an awesome week.

All the best,


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PS: This weekend I was chatting with my friend Amy and she told me how this little $10 product turned into an extra $500 bucks + grew her residual income by $120 per month.


It reminded me of how powerful this little piece of digital magic really is, and made me want to tell you about it in today's email.

You can click one of the links above to learn all about it OR you can watch this free training called The Magical Morning Formula to learn more about this semi-secret little money maker AND pick up some great tips that I believe, can truly help you in your life even if this product isn't for you.