Subject: The Magical Attractor Factor

Happy Freedom Friday Friend!

Let me share a quick story with you, because it’s something that really hit home for me this week—and I think you’ll see why.

The other night, I took my sons to a concert.

My 2 older boys had pit passes but my youngest son

Kashton and I were in the nosebleed section.

You know the feeling—close enough to hear the music, but far enough that you feel disconnected from the action.

As we looked down at the pit area, where the energy was, I thought: Why not try to get closer?

I noticed that there was a big open area behind the pit that hardly anyone was standing in.

We slyly walked down to the front, hoping to not catch too much attention, and stood behind the fence behind the pit.

As we were enjoying the opening bands, a security guard started to walk over to us.

Uh oh,” I thought, “I hope she doesn’t kick us out of here.”

Thankfully, she just asked us if we knew the name of the band that was taking the stage.

I told her I thought it was the headliner, as we’d already had one opening act.

She thanked me and returned back a few minutes later…

“This is actually a 2nd opening act called Ol 60,” she said.

Oh, thanks so much for telling us that!” i replied.

I started asking her about her experience working at concerts and how cool it must be.

Her face lit up like a Christmas tree and smiled as she shared more about her love of music and how awesome it was that we are getting so many more big name talents coming to our local area.

We had a great chat and at one point, I mentioned that my 2 oldest boys were in the pit and that my youngest son and I were so happy to be standing there close to the action.

She leaned into me and said, almost in a whisper, “Hey, would you 2 like to be in the pit?”

“Heck yeah, if we could,” I said.

“Let me see your hands,” & then strapped 2 VIP wristbands on our hands.

I said “Wow, you’re the coolest person in the world! Thank you SOOOO much.”

When I looked over at Kashton, I saw a HUGE smile spreading across his face.

This was such a great reminder to me that —a simple shift in how you show up can completely change your situation.

Pleasing personality,” I told my son. “That’s the principle that got us these pit passes.”

It’s this same principle that works so well in life and business.

We’re often grinding away in the background, stuck in jobs or home businesses that feel like the nosebleeds of life—working hard but still disconnected from real progress, from real freedom.

But sometimes, all it takes is a mindset shift to turn things around.

It’s about being open, showing up with good energy, and believing that things can change for you.

Expressing genuine interest in people and their lives can go a long way in creating new magic for moving your life and business forward.

Over my 20 years in business, I’ve become a huge believer in principles. Little ideas that when applied, can make a real difference for anyone and everyone who applies them.

That’s what our Daily Grow Rich Mastermind call is all about and explains why we’ve been doing it now for 15 years straight.

We study and share experiences about proven principles that can shift your mindset, even in small ways that bring opportunities you didn’t see coming—whether it’s in business, personal growth, or spiritual fulfillment.

If you’ve been feeling stuck, working hard but not seeing the progress you’re after, I want to invite you to listen to the replay of our latest call. (included for free at the bottom of the post)

We explored some of the mindset shifts that lead to real financial freedom—how to stop grinding for scraps and start positioning yourself for the kind of income and lifestyle that lets you live life on your terms.

You can also catch the replay by dialing 712-432-0990 Access: 565762# if you’d rather listen with your phone.

Even if you don’t have time to check it out, I hope this story reminds you of one thing:

You’re closer than you think.

Sometimes, it just takes a small shift—an openness to a new path, a new strategy, or even just a fresh conversation—to get from where you are to where you really want to be.

Here’s to that next step toward freedom,

Paul & sons 🙂

PS: At the bottom of this post on my blog, I included a cool little video I shot at the concert that reminds me of how beautiful we can all be, when we’re aligned in unity and collectively shining our lights into the world.

PPS: If you’re open to checking out a super profitible, heart-centered way to grow a freedom based (residual income) from home, I’d love to invite you to check out the business model we’re pioneering here. (If you're not already in, of course) ;-)

Have an awesome weekend!