Subject: The Magic Of You

Friend, pay no attention to the naked man in the picture. :-)

As we were touring one of our stops in Italy, I pulled out my camera to take a photo of a beautiful work of art. I heard the tour guide say "This is a replica."

Instantly, I put my phone back in my pocket.

"I don't want no picture of a dang replica!!!!"

When we got to Florence, our driver asked us what we wanted to see.

"How about the statue of David?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry, you have to have reservations to see the original statue of David and they are usually booked up. I have a scalper friend I can call who might have some tickes that would be double the price.

We asked her to call, and to our dismay, no tickets available.

A slight sinking of the heart, and then off to see the replica of David.

I realized through these 2 experiences that nobody wants to see a "Fake."

It doesn't matter that we couldn't tell the difference between the original and the replica, we wanted to see the original.

I'm guessing, we as people, are probably all like that.

When someone isn't being who they really are, putting on a "Front" or trying to be a carbon copy of someone else, we sense it.

"Men are wiser than they know." -Emerson

Haven't we all been there?

(posing or pretending to be someone other than who we really are)... ?

I think it's probably natural to want to model or mimic those we percieve as more "successful" than us.

I know I did.

What if I show my heart and be myself?

Will they like me?

Will they judge me?

Will they laugh at me?

Will they outcast me?

One of the most important things I've learned over the years is that the benefits of shining your true light FAR outweigh any negative answers that might come to those questions above.

Like my friend Pas says, "Those who matter, don't mind and those who mind, don't matter."

I've found this to be true.

The people who love and support me the most in life and business, not only seem to "accept" me for who I am, but love me for it too.

I'm so thankful for all the people who encourage me and allow me to be me. What a true gift it is, to drop the constant pressure of feeling like you have to put on a costume all the time...

What a sense of freedom it is to realize that I don't have to be anyone else to succeed.

I just have to be me in the best way I know how.

Guessing the same is probably true for you too.

It's not easy, or a perfect practice you have to "Get right 100% of the time."

Some people will make it easier to be yourself, and you'll love and appreciate them so much because they'll remind you of your inner worth and help you remember how good it feels to be yourself.

This will encourage you and inspire you to keep growing in this direction.

The more you grow in this direction, striving to be your unique useful self - in your best way,

...the more you'll find others seeking you out, wanting to be with you, spend time with you and getting pictures with you.

It's because you're an original. A work of art. A magnificent copy of none. This statue of you helps others to see and seek the beauty of their own original souls.

And that's the real magic, of you.


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PS: Of course, as you probably already know Friend, one of the most important things you can do to make you, more of you, and more in a way that's useful and attractive to others is to dedicate some time each morning to grow yourself.

This is one of my favorite tools I use, to guide that process each day for myself. Maybe it can be a gift and a blessing for you too.

PPS: If you resonated with this message, you might also enjoy the replay of our mastermind call from Friday, where I shared a couple other life-enhancing takeaways from our recent trip to Italy.

The replay will be up all weekend and you can access it by dialing 712-432-0990 Access: 565762# or by clicking here.