Hey Friend!
I just got of the Grow Rich Mastermind and it was so good. I wanted to send you some of the highlights, in case you don't have the time to listen to the full replay.
Some of the most interesting parts of the discussion were sparked from a conversation I had with one of my best friends over lunch yesterday.
Brandon asked me, "Paul, have you ever noticed the difference between setting a goal that you work so hard to achieve, it feels like you're forcing it - and one where things sort of happen naturally, and magically, like you're in the flow?"
Personally, I needed this question yesterday because it caused me to reflect in a way that will serve me better both now and in the future.
I posed this same question to my friends on the call today and learned some really cool insights.
First, my friend Evan talked about how in times past, when he's set goals with deadlines, and missed them, it really frustrates him and causes him to experience some negative emotion.
Can you relate Friend? I sure can.
I'm sure you've heard that negative emotion is not the best state from which to achieve your goals.
I remembered an audio I listened to from Earl Shoaf, Jim Rohn's mentor, where he taught his goal setting process.
Set a goal, write it down, and then bury it away in a drawer where you're not gonna see it every day.
He talked about how when a farmer plants a seed in the ground, it does zero good to look at it every day and nothing you do to look at it with impatience or force, will cause that seed to grow faster.
My friend Minister Kristian always says,
"All things in divine order."
Maybe there is a divine timing to things and when we take too much upon our own shoulders for causing that seed to grow, we're living more in Ego (Edging God Out), and not allowing the magic of divine order to work in it's fullest manner.
Later in the call, my friend Alby, talked about how he's also experienced negative emotion from missing deadlines, but that he believes deadlines are important because often times, they cause us to take action versus follow the natural tendancy to procrastinate.
I've noticed in my marketing journey that timelines DO seem to cause much more action, for most people, usually.
What to do?
I shared a phrase I picked up on social media a while back.
"Strong opinions, loosely held."
We need strong views (confidence) to move forward in the best way but we also need the ability to remain open to change, when better information comes along, hence, the 'loosely held' part of the phrase.
Maybe, when it comes to goal setting, we need strong timelines, loosely held.
Meaning, we set a timeline for our goal, however, we realize that not all timelines will be achieved. Maybe most won't.
So if/when we miss a timeline, we give ourselves grace, smile, relax and set another timeline - demonstrating our continued faith in divine order.
One other thing Evan said relating to timelines is
"You're not that smart." :-)
That made me laugh and smile because it's true. We like to think we can "force God's hand" (to quote my friend Bryce, also on today's call) but the truth is - we're not that smart.
If we miss a timeline, it's kind of to be expected because we are not prophets, we are not all-knowing, and often, there are WAY too many factors to consider when it comes to achieving a big goal, especially a financial one.
What we can control however, is our consistent progress, along with our gratitude and faith along the way. And maybe, the rest of it, is in far more capable hands .
Anyway, these thoughts seemed to really help me today and that's why I wanted to pass them along to you.
I hope they've served to shine a little light on your path.
Thanks for reading, and whatever you do Friend, always go for your dreams.
The world needs your light.
Paul (and my friend Brandon)