Subject: The Invisible Secret To Infinite Sales...

Happy Freedom Friend!

Back in January of this year, I had the chance to speak to a group of people at an Event called Freedom Fest.

The people I was speaking to, are people I love and one of the deepest and most sincere desires of my heart, was to give them something that could truly help them step into freedom faster.

Here's a picture...

One of the things I mentioned during my presentation was

'The thing you're selling is never just a widget.'  

I used our company as an example and how our 'widget' - is a funnel builder website tool along with a website that has informational training videos and tutorials.


It would be SUPER easy to look at our 'offering' and say..

Ahh.. that's just a dinky little website.

And, in one sense, it is..

BUT, If you know and understand the secret to infinite sales - a dinky little website can turn into...

  • 138,363 days of meals provided to help feed starving children

  • $173,149 in monthly recurring residual income where the amount of residual income you're helping to create for people grows by 29.65% in a single month (Like our dinky little website did last month)

  • A profound sense of meaning, purpose and contribution for yourself and others...

All from a dinky little website + understanding the Secret To Infinite Sales...

Today's mastermind was all about this secret, how you can understand it, and use it, to magically multiply the sales of whatever dinky widget you happen to be selling.

You can listen on the web here (which is cool because you can get it all in at double speed if you want) or you can just pick up your phone and stick this happy ball of freedom filled light to your ear, and catch the replay by dialing 712-432-0990 Access Code: 565762#.

If you decide to listen Friend, I truly hope you'll catch the essence of the lesson and then be able to sprinkle magical pixie dust over your entire sales process and freedom filled future to create the life you desire.

All the best,


PS - One of my best friends, and business partners grabbed that quote from the mastermind and made a cool pic of it. Thank you so much Amy!

Amy has been having massive success from home for many, many years. In fact, in my very first online marketing system, she was one of the top leaders and always on the leaderboard.

I remember being so inspired seeing her name up there when I was just getting started working my way out of the single wide mobile home I was living in at the time.

Now here we are, over 10 years later, and Amy and I are working together side by side.

What a miracle!

Here's what Amy had to say after listening to the mastermind today.

So thankful for that great compliment and she's right. I am, and so is she, and so is this mastermind because it's filled with an AMAZING group of talented, heart-centered freedom crusaders who are all aligned to free the people and be the change we wish to see in the world.

Would love for you to join us Friend.

PPS - If you're in the market for an additional stream of, what could be, life changing residual income - and want to do it in a way that makes the world, and you better at the same time - this could be the door you've been looking for.