Subject: The Fatal Bizopp Mistake Of Christopher Columbus...

Hey Friend,

Happy Freedom Friday! :-)

I hope you have a fun plan for the weekend. I'll be doing some yard work around the house and continuing to plan for our upcoming trip to Rome in the next couple of weeks.

This reminds me of a quote I remember from Jim Rohn:

"Most people spend more time planning their vacation than they do planning their life." 

What a mistake that would be, right?

Anyway, I know that’s not you because you're subscribed to my email list, and that means you're cut from a different cloth.

Speaking of that, let’s get to the point of my email today.

This morning, I hosted the Grow Rich Mastermind, and part of what I talked about was a three-step formula that helped me go from broke and struggling, living in a 1984 single-wide mobile home, to becoming financially free in my early 40s.

Here’s the three-step formula that I faithfully followed over the years, to create the level of freedom I enjoy today:

  1. Read:  books, life, and people to find interesting stories and lessons.

  2. Write: speak, or make videos about what you've learned.

  3. Relate: Focus your content creation on serving a specific group of people, and make sure your content relates to their interests and path.

And that brings us to the fatal Bizopp mistake of Christopher Columbus.

Now, don't get it twisted, Friend. Christopher Columbus was not in network marketing or an affiliate marketing program. :-)

He was, however, in one of the most astounding ground-floor opportunities the world has ever seen. He was hunting for a new world and untold riches for himself and his crew.

The gold fever was hot, and Columbus had himself, the king & queen who sponsored him, and his crew all worked up up with desire for vast quantities of gold in the new land, which he claimed would be easy pickings.

Not surprisingly, the gold wasn't as easily obtained as Columbus had imagined and promised and it backfired. Instead Columbus found...

  1. Mutiny and Unrest: When the promised gold and wealth didn’t materialize, Columbus's crew grew increasingly discontent and disillusioned. This led to threats of mutiny and challenges to his authority.

  2. Pressure to Deliver Results: Columbus was under immense pressure from his financial backers, the Spanish monarchs, to deliver the promised riches. As the expeditions continued without yielding the expected results, the pressure mounted, straining his leadership.

  3. Maintaining Morale: With unmet expectations and harsh living conditions, Columbus struggled to maintain morale. The prolonged search for gold and the realization that it wouldn’t be easily obtained demoralized the crew, making leadership more difficult.

  4. Maintaining Credibility: With promises of gold unfulfilled, Columbus’s credibility was questioned by his crew and backers. This made it increasingly difficult for him to maintain authority and make decisions.

In other words, Columbus created a boatload of problems because he had overhyped the business opportunity he was promoting in 1492.

Ironically, I'm writing this in 2024, over 500 years later, and thousands of people are still committing the same fatal bizopp error: promising easy riches with little to no effort.

This 500-year-old lesson is prophetic in its predictive power.

Promising easy riches can get people on board, just like it did for Columbus, but once they discover that the journey is more challenging than what they were enticed to sign up for, they'll mutiny, jump ship & take all your residual income with them.

The moral of the story is to be honest in your communication as a leader.

Paint the picture of how the adventure of traveling to a new land and discovering untold freedom and prosperity is worth the journey, but remember to emphasize that it will be a challenging adventure with no guarantees.

The right people will see the vision, board the ship, and be loyal companions because they knew what they were signing up for from the start.

See how I applied those 3 tips from above in this little email?

  1. Read: I read about Columbus in a book...

  2. Write: I wrote about what I learned here in this email for you...

  3. Relate: I related it to residual income-based entrepreneurship, the path we're hopefully on together.

Read, Write, Relate. A simple formula that's helped me to create a life of freedom that I love.

I hope it can serve you as profitibly as it's served me over the years Friend.

Oh and if you wanna hear the full replay of today’s audio "Kyson's Money Secret", it'll be available for the whole weekend.

You can access it online here or by dialing 712-432-0990, Access Code: 565762#.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a great weekend!


PS: Did you know that this little website (& business) we built has paid out over $5 million 300 thousand in commissions so far? Not only that but it's also helped to provide 306,941 days worth of meals to kids in need via our community charity.

I'm super proud of it which is one reason I always give little invitations like this to take a look, in nearly every email I send or video I make.

Even if what we have isn't for you Friend, I hope our example can be inspirational proof of the truth penned by Margaret Meade....

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it's the only thing that ever has."