Subject: The Dream Killer Comp Plan Exposed

Hey Friend,

Hope you had a great weekend.

Did you do anything fun? I worked around the house for the most part so nothing too crazy. I did help my son Kyson sell a motorcycle and that's a pretty cool story I may tell you here soon... (Stay tuned...)

For now I wanted to write you about something that has been in my heart a bit since our Saturday presentation.

My business partner Mike told a story of one of his early mentors. I've heard Mike talk about this lady various times over the years and every time I hear about what happened, it always makes me a little sad.

See this lady worked full time at UPS. She found the home business profession and saw a path to time and money freedom.

The dream right Friend?

She got to work and built a huge team and a great income. This is where my friend Mike met her.

Whenever he talks about her I always hear total admiration in his voice. He looked up to her. She was a leader, she was inspirational, and she could communicate in a way that really seemed to move the soul.

Mike always says "I wanted to be like her when I grew up." (or something like that).

Honestly that's one of the things I love most about home based business. If we're doing it right, we get to surround ourselves with people who truly inspire us to look upward, onward and be better.

They show us glimpses of who we can become if we're willing to put in the work.

Anyway, the tragic part of this story comes in when one day Mike gets notified that his mentor is moving to a new office and he won't be going with her.

He was super confused by this and started to ask questions.

The company "Big wigs" told him that because this lady had done so well, she was being rewarded with the gift of losing a huge part of her team and income.

"Wait, what!?" Mike questioned...

"Yeah," they told him... "It's called a breakaway and simply means that when you help certain team leaders advance in the comp plan, they break off to go do their own thing. It's really a good thing."

Then Mike asked... "But they lose their team and their income right?"

"Yes, they said... but trust us, it's a good thing."

Mike went on to say that this mentor of his ended up getting so frustrated with this part of "The Plan" that she quit and went back to working at UPS full time, and still works their to this day.

This is when Mike said he calls companies and comp plans that take people's income away like this "Dream killers."

They literally killed the dream of his mentor and he saw it happen right before his very eyes.

This was a crime committed with witnesses, but none of the witnesses could to a dang thing about it.

So sad!

It's stuff like this that happens far more often than you might realize, Friend, that lit the fire under Mike and I to start our own company 7 years ago.

We knew from many years of experience, that if we wanted to have something we could trust to always do right by people (ourselves included) - we would have to do the crazy thing and build our dream company.

A company that would always nurture and grow people's dreams instead of killing them.

You can learn all about it here in this super powerful overview from Saturday.... and pick up some other awesome tips for building wealth online (even if what you see here isn't for you...)

But the main thing I wanted to share here today Friend, is to PLEASE be sure and watchout for companies and comp plans that have these little gotchyas built into them.

The unfortunate thing about these "Gotchyas" is you usually have no idea they are there until you're earning a nice big income and they hit you like a brick wall.

This can be avoided by reading the comp plan in full, along with the companies terms and policy pages.

Ok, Friend, that's all for today.

Thanks so much for reading and whatever you do, always go for your dreams!


PS: This morning I met the #1 income earner in a company. A great lady named Paula who had joined our company to learn about automation.

I'm super inspired by her story for 2 reasons.

First, she built the biggest income in her company without knowing much about all this fancy shmancy internet automation stuff.

This is PROOF you can build a big income in ways that are simple and no or low techy....

Second, she's on the hunt for skill development and sees the potential in online marketing and automation....

This is PROOF to me that there are STILL so many people out there who can benefit tremendously by what we've put together here in our high profit, high value residual income Academy.

This page is a great example of using automation in your business as it produces sales for our affiliates all day er' day...