Subject: The Divine Walk...

Hey Friend,

The other day, I was chatting with an entrepreneur friend of mine who's had a ton of financial success, and he told me that even with all the benjamins in the bank, he still felt like there was something missing from his life.

We had a great chat, and during our conversation, I invited him to start and stick with a mourning routine, part of which might include seeking some wisdom from a higher place.

I told him I'd been making some short YouTube videos on some passages from The Bible and asked if he'd like to see them.

He said yes, and yesterday he told me he was really enjoying them and asked if I'd made any more.

Here's a brand new one I just posted today.  

He also told me that he'd been somewhat resistant to dipping into the Bible because of some negative religious experiences he'd had in the past.

I told him I could relate and we talked about how seeking something higher in our lives, is not about having it defined by anyone or any organization.

It's a personal search and a personal journey.

In my opinion, The Divine Walk, can be found inside organized religion, but it doesn't have to be.

My friend also told me he's been reading a book about Balance which describes 7 important aspects of life, and compares them to a wheel with a center.

For the author of the book, faith worked best as the center of his wheel.

I can totally relate to this.

Anyway, I wanted to pass my new video along in the hopes it can offer some inspiration as we all continue to strive to develop and expand our visions of what business and life is all about.

Thanks for reading and as always, all the best to you today.


PS - If you'd like to plug into what I'm doing to create more freedom and goodness in the world, for myself and others - and be surrounded by a community of principle centered, freedom crusading online marketers who are reaching higher in their lives, I'd love to invite you to investigate further here.