Subject: The Diamond Goat's Behind & Glistening Gold For Growth...

Well here we go Friend,

The first issue of my new weekly email newsletter, where I gather up the shiniest nuggets of glistening marketing gold from the previous week & serve them up for your reading pleasure.

If you decide to tune in and 'hearken unto me' in today's email here's what's in store for you...

  • Best new tools and strategies I've uncovered over the last week.

  • Best new free training for leveling up your home business & marketing game.

  • Most memorable lessons & nuggets from the last week of business.

Let's dive in, shall we?

Best new tools and strategies I've uncovered over the last week.

Topping the list, by a wide margin, is The Secret Sauce for Crisp, Sharp Livestreams: OBS + Restream Unleashed! 

I've been frustrated by my poor livestream video quality over the past few months and this week, I found THE HOLY GRAIL.

OBS (a 100% free streaming platform), paired with re-stream.

Why I FREAKING LOVE this combo...

  1. Quality: Achieve that crystal-clear 1080p quality without needing a NASA-grade computer.

  2. Versatility: Stream to YouTube, X, and Facebook all at the same time. Talk about feeding three birds with one seed!

  3. Ease of Use: Once set up, it's as simple as pressing a button. Seriously.

Quick Setup Guide...

  1. Download OBS: Head over to OBS's website and grab the latest version.

  2. Set Up Restream: Sign up or log in, and connect your streaming channels.

  3. Link 'em Up: In OBS, go to settings and then Stream. Paste your Restream stream key there.

  4. Go Live: Hit that "Start Streaming" button in OBS and watch as Restream does its thing!

Next up is fun use cases for A.I. in life and marketing...

  1. Training A.I. to talk dirty to you.. ha ha.. jk... I mean training it to speak to you like you want to be spoken to:  If you have a pro-subscription to Chat GPT, I highly recommend that you customize the settings in your phone app. You can tell it a bit about who you are, and also, how you want it to interact with you. For example, I told it to talk to me like 2 friendly dudes having a fun conversation and to refer to me as 'Paul' or 'broski'. It's unreal how much more fun using A.I. is when you customize it a bit. You can even have it refer to you as "Sexy beast" if you want. ;-)

  2. Next up, of course, is using A.I. in content creation without sucking all the soul from your marketing.

Here are my 2 favorite use cases so far.

A) Training it to write more like you.   You can upload some examples of things you've written and then ask it to produce new content using your style. This can be a fun time saver.

Here's a simple way.

Give it the prompt "Your goal will be to reproduce a given writing style based on text examples. Start by analyzing the email newsletters located here (insert a document with newsletter examples - You can also give it a link to your blog or website where you have content written by you)   and describing precisely the formatting, writing style, tone used and editorial specifics."

Next, use this prompt "Perfect. Now, based on the text examples and your previous analysis, write a new email newsletter about (insert subject). Pay close attention to formatting, any common points between texts, writing style and other elements."

Then, watch the magic happen.

To supercharge this a bit, turn on advanced data analysis before you start this process.

B) Training it to produce content for you using pre-determined best practices.

Case study: I recently learned that it's not good to put the same text in your YouTube title and thumbnail image. Thumbnail image text should be related, but not the same.

Here are the best practices I picked up for creating thumbnail text.

#1: Short Titles - To ensure they are easily read and understood, keep them to 50 characters or less.

Best Practice #2: Title Focus - Benefit Driven WIIFM

Best Practice #3: Use Power Words like Actually ● Free ● Strongest ● Powerful ● Honest ● Biggest ● Largest

Ok, so I've been using the following A.I. prompt...

"Can you create a text phrase for a youtube thumbnail following these best practices (insert best practices list from above) and using (insert video title) as a starting point."

It's been so helpful in quickly finding new text for my thumbnails, following best practices - without me having to think too much about it. sweet right?

C) Using A.I. to help you 'humorize' your content.

You can take anything you've written, and ask A.I. to add a little humor to it.

This last week, I created a YouTube training '5 Super Smart Writing Tips For Online Marketers' and was having A.I. help me out a bit with the YouTube description.

It closed out with this little gem of a phrase...

I’m here to share the goods and keep it real. So grab a cuppa Joe, hit play, and let’s make your copy shine like a diamond in a goat’s behind! 💎

Oh my heck, I about fell out of my chair. And now you know where the subject line for today's email came from. :-)

Ok on to the new free video training to help you level up your marketing & residual income game

I had A.I. analyze my writing style, as I wrote about above, and made a little training video revealing some of the findings along with some additional writing tips.

Here's one of the first comments I got...

Also got this one today...

I do thinks it's a great training and if you want to up your email newsletter game, it might be worth watching here.

The most popular training, on my YouTube channel this last week was this one right here...

It contains the BIGGEST mistake I've seen people make over my last 18 years in home business, when it comes to residual income.

You can watch it here if that topic floats your boat.

Oh, and if you check out either one of those, you can see real life examples of the livestream video quality upgrade, I talked about above.

Ok Friend, last but certainly not least...

Most memorable lessons & nuggets from the last week of business.

First, I had a guy reach out to me and tell me about how a network marketing company he was in, stole his income, because he posted about a product his old mentor was launching.

When he called the company and asked where his income went, they told him it was against their policies to promote anything other than their products.

He told them 'Wait a minute, that wasn't in the policies when I joined.'

To which they replied, "Oh, well you can login your back office and you'll see that we have a new and updated version of the policies, and that's in there now."


Then he told me he joined another company, built another team and then discovered that the company was marketing another set of products to his customers, behind his back, without him knowing about it.

I made a video, telling the whole story here, but the bottom line is...

Companies do this kind of nonsense, all the freaking time!

It's heartbreaking, and sad and wrong... but it still happens, each and every day.

If you're goal is to build a solid, long term residual income, please do all you can to make sure you're not with a company like this.

It's really the whole reason we started our company 6 years ago.

I got so sick and tired of this type of stuff happening to me, and so many people I love - I said "Enough is enough" and made a change.

Really just wanted to pass this along as food for thought.

There's a lot of money and time wasted, unnecessarily, because people get sucked into things run by unethical crooks.

Please don't let that be you.

Thanks for reading today!

If this newsletter was valuable to you, please reply and let me know, and until next time...

Whatever you do, always go for your dreams,

With love and grattitude,

Paul Hutchings