Subject: The Day I Found TRUE Power

Hey Friend,

Have you ever felt a soul gripping sense of overwhelm?

You know, those times when you feel like there is WAY too much to do, or you have things you know need to be done but you don't know how to do them?

Sort of like life is a freight train and you're stuck, strapped to the tracks...

We've all probably been there - I know I have more than once.

I want to share with you a story of a time when this happened to me, one of the worst cases I can remember, and what I did to, almost instantly, escape the feeling of being stuck at the bottom of a deep, dark hole with no way out.

It was so mysterious when this 'other worldly' guidance floated into my mind with the utmost clarity and gave me a near instant feeling of pure power.

If you want to know what the strange phrase that changed it all for me was, and discover more of YOUR true power Friend, I'd love to invite you to watch this video right now.

Deciding to watch this video, can also help you to know what to do, even in those times where it feels like you don't know what to do.

I hope this is a real gift that can help you to gather up more strength, courage and determination as you continue your journey to fullfilling your purpose in life and business - in the best way possible.

To Freedom - and beyond,

Paul Hutchings