Subject: The Content Dream Trip - 3 Steps To Highly Effective Videos [GP11]

Hey Friend,

"Lets get ready to RAAAAMBLE!" -Mamma Elizabeth

ha ha..

Hope your day so far is great!

Just wanted to drop you a line & let you know that Episode 11 of The Good Parts, with Paul Hutchings is LIVE!

It's called The Content Dream Trip, and in it, I share 3 rock solid, proven - take em' to the bank tips on creating highly effective videos that leave your thankful to have watched your videos AND get you leads and sales, all at the same flippin' time.

How cool is that!?

Anyway, you can watch it here if it sounds like something that might be beneficial to your business.

Bye for now,

Paul Hutchings


PS - Check out this post I saw on Facebook the other day.

I love seeing these. I'm changing the name from 'Testimonial' to "Honest & Sincere Unsolicited FeedBackAmonials." More real.

Here's the link to learn more about what we do if it sounds like something that might interest you.