Subject: The Bridge To Your Dreams

Happy Freedom Friday Friend!

So funny story.

Yesterday I tested my bench press max and was delighted to discover that I'd increased in strength by a whopping 5 pounds over where I was 3 weeks ago.

Shocking progress, I know... :-)

All kidding aside, I'm thankful for the progress and was excited to show my kids the video.

3 of my boys were impressed and told me how awesome it was.

My youngest son Kashton said, after he watched my video,

"Is that all?"  

I replied in my most "I can't believe this doesn't impress you" voice...

Is that aaaaall!?  

That's a lotta weight kid!

He then went on to tell me that if I can get up to 320 he'll be really impressed because then, and only then, will he be able to tell his friends that his dad can out bench every kid in his school.

Sigh... Back to the drawing board...

Anyway, this was one of the little stories I told on our mastermind call today, affectionately titled The Bridge To Your Dreams. (Replay at 712-432-0990 Access 565762#) if ya wanna listen...

This title is a little play on words from a quote I read in a Jim Rohn book called "Leading An Inspired Life." Great book btw...

The quote is "Discipline is the bridge between thought and accomplishment."

In sales, we like to show how buying this thing or that thing or joining this business or that business is the magic bridge that people need.

This is a very effective way to sell stuff...

The truth is though, at best, buying something can be a help or an aid, but NOTHING YOU BUY will EVER do more for you than discipline will.

A few weeks ago when I posted my fitness transformation picture someone asked me if I had anything he could read.

I replied... "On what?"

He said "On the product you used to get so fit, so fast."

Guess what Friend, there was no magic pill I had to sell him.

What got me from where I was to where I am now is discipline.

Do I have a couple health products I take that I like?


Was it these health products that got me the results that impressed this guy?


Do I use this miracle growth machine every day, do I love it and does it help me?


Could I still reach my goals without it?


With discipline.

Anyway, if you struggle a bit with consistancy, maybe today's call replay can help a bit.

And maybe the new habit tracker function in my favorite app can help too.

Will it do anything for you if you don't have the discipline to learn it and use it everyday.

Unfortunately, no.

So in today's hype filled world that seems to have no shortage of clever salespeople promoting this miracle cure, magic potion or easy push button 'thing to buy'...

Let's remember that WE are always the REAL magic key.

And we have everything we need inside of us to set a goal, make a plan and show up every day to put in the work...

"Little hinges swing big doors." -W Clement Stone

Hope you have an amazing weekend.

Thanks for reading.
