Subject: The Billionaire Home Biz Marketing Plan (legit)

Hey Friend,

Hope you had an amazing weekend! I was traveling with my family over the last few days and it was a nice break from the day to day. Glad to be back home though, for sure.

Anyway, you've probably seen all the craze everywhere online about artificial intelligience. I've been interested in this space for probably 10-15 years, and up until recently, it was mostly futurists talking about what might happen in the future.

Lately though, we are seeing rapid deployment, and improvements on A.I. that is getting into the hands of every day people, and blowing their minds.

This is both a bit scary, and exciting, at the same time.

Anyway, as a marketer, I think it's important that we pay attention to what's going on in this space, so we can use this new technology in smart ways to serve our audiences and grow our businesses.

There is SOOOO Much though, and it's easy to get lost in the hype, and what seems to be a never ending stream of cool, and fun new shiny objects. This can be entertaining, but, I think it's good to remember to seperate the wheat from the chaff, and always be looking for those things that will actually move the needle for us, in things we do on a daily basis.

One of the most obvious use cases, for anyone in marketing, creating content, writing emails, etc. is to use Generative A.I. to help with content creation.

The trick though, seems to be to use it, without losing yourself in it.

Your voice, your style, your story's, your vision, your emotion, etc.. are things that connect people with you.

A.I. can't replace those.

What it can do, however, is create content and organize information like a legit all knowing alien with super powers from another planet.

Some obvious ways to use A.I. for our benefit here, would be to deploy these superpowers for...

  • Research

  • Content Outlines

  • Emails

  • Video outlines

  • Social media posts

  • etc.

If you can use your brain, to direct A.I. in unique and interesting ways, it can be a HUGE time saving assistant in putting something together you can start with, to then edit with your uniqueness, thus making the content YOU, with A.I. as your assistant.

One way to utilize A.I. in an interesting way, is to ask it to write some content 'as if' it were someone famous.

For example, last week I asked it to write a post about the top 7 affiliate marketing strategies Steve Jobs would implement, and use known philosophies and strategies from his life.

A.I.  pumped out a pretty good article and gave me something to start with, that I then edited, to add in my voice and unique insights.

I even used A.I. to come up with a non copywrited image for my post using Midjourney.

(Here's the image & post so you can judge for yourself)

What Would Steve Jobs Do? Top 7 Strategies to Grow Your Affiliate Marketing Business

Start with "Why"
Steve Jobs was known for his ability to create products that people loved, driven by his desire to make a dent in the universe. In growing an affiliate marketing business, it's essential to focus on the "why" behind your product choices and marketing efforts.

Clearly define your mission and communicate it effectively to your audience, inspiring them to believe in your cause and follow your recommendations. Say it again and again and again until it’s as stamped on the hearts of your listeners as it is on yours.

Actually believe in your mission heart mind and soul. Don’t just have a dumb corporate catch phrase, make your mission more like your life and business purpose. This will give it fire to be noticed in an ocean of water.

 Keep It Simple
Jobs was relentless in his pursuit of user-friendly design and seamless customer experience. This approach can be applied to your affiliate marketing business by ensuring your content, website, products and overall user experience are designed with simplicity in mind.

When I think of Apple, I think “simple.” If you keep your message and products simple and easy to use, your audience will appreciate it because simplicity inspires an “I can do this” attitude.

Focus on Quality Over Quantity
Steve Jobs believed in doing a few things exceptionally well rather than being mediocre in many areas. In affiliate marketing, it's better to promote 1 core offer or at most, a few high-quality products or services that genuinely benefit your audience, rather than promoting a plethora of low-quality offers.

This is especially true if your focused on growing a residual income. Complication breeds confusion and promoting too many things, can confuse your audience and leave them wondering where you stand or what you actually believe in.

 Carefully select your affiliate partners and focus on promoting products or services that align with your brand values and offer real value to your audience.

Build a Strong Brand Identity
Jobs was a master of branding, turning Apple into one of the world's most recognized and beloved brands. Establish a strong brand identity for your affiliate marketing business that sets you apart from the competition and resonates with your target audience.

Consistently apply your unique branding message and elements across all content, platforms, and communication channels to build trust and recognition.

Cultivate a Loyal Community
Apple's success is partly due to its dedicated fan base. For your affiliate marketing business, nurturing a community of loyal followers who trust your recommendations is vital for long-term growth.

This has much more to do with who you are as a person and the value you consistently provide to your audience than it does with what your selling. This is a HUGE distinction that can pay you unlimited rewards far off into the future if you catch it and run with it.

Engage with your audience through social media, email marketing, and other channels, providing valuable content and fostering genuine relationships.

Additionally, be consistent. If you show up and keep showing up over time, this communicates your love for your audience and they will feel it.

Embrace Storytelling
Steve Jobs was an exceptional storyteller, captivating audiences with his product presentations. In affiliate marketing, and pretty much all areas of life, story’s move the heart. If you want to move the people, start with moving the heart. Stories are a magical way to do this.

Some of the best stories with the most emotion power are built from our hardest moments and challenges. Next time you’re having a hard time, try to remember that it could be one of the greatest future assets for your business.

Pursue Innovation and Adaptability
Jobs was known for his ability to foresee market trends and adapt to change. In the ever-evolving affiliate marketing landscape, staying ahead of the curve and embracing new strategies, technologies, and platforms can be essential for growth.

Stay up to speed on the latest and greatest without being pulled off mission by every shiny ball the bounces across your path. (Sometimes easier said than done.) 

So there you have it, top 7 tips to grow your affiliate marketing biz with the billionaire innovation brain of the late great Steve Jobs.

 Start with the "Why"
 Design a customer-centric experience
 Focus on quality over quantity
 Build a strong brand identity
 Cultivate a loyal community
 Embrace storytelling
 Pursue innovation and adaptability

Not too shabby right? You can let me know if you loved it or hated it here.

Anyway, I think it will be a great thing for us to continue to learn about how to use technology to do what we do, in less time and/or in better ways - and A.I., it seems, can be a great tool to help us in this regard.

There are dangers for sure, like my Friend Amy pointed out, -> coming off as fake or someone other than you, so it's probably a fine line here...

That being said, for me, it's a fun one to walk to see where it takes me. :-)

Thanks for reading and wish you all the best on your continue journey to freedom, and beyond.

Paul Hutchings


PS - I used A.I. to create the perfect image for this video thumbnail here. If you haven't played around with Midjourney yet Friend, I recommend it. You can create some images for free, and if you like it, you can subscribe for $10 a month.

Images are pretty important in marketing and I love that image creation is getting easier, and easier and easier. :-)

PPS - You can grow residual income with me here, grow rich with me in more ways than 1 here, or use my FAVORITE lead gen conversion tool with me here.