Subject: The Best Business In The World!!

I have the best business in the world Friend!

This last week we’ve been camping at our annual family reunion, where for the last 20 years or so we have had no Internet access.

It's definitely nice to unplug every once in a while, but this year, I wanted to see if I could fit in an hour or 2 a day of business (which by the way, is my normal workday.)

Of course I didn't start out working only an hour or 2 a day, it's something I built up to with some effort over time.

Anyway I ordered starlink mobile Internet and Wallah , my truck was instantly transformed into a mobile office, where I can maintain and grow my business from anywhere in the world (even remote spots with no cell phone service.) 

I feel an even greater sense of freedom, knowing I can grab the family, hop in the truck, and go anywhere we want to go, anytime we want to go, and still have the ability to connect, create and serve on the road.

Yesterday I wondered to myself…

Once you realize it’s possible to disconnect your time from your money, and grow a business from anywhere in the world, while working as little as 1 - 2 hours a day, I don’t understand how anyone could work toward anything else.

Here’s a simple little process that makes this possible, and maybe can make it possible for you too.

1.  Create valuable content online so people can find you. My favorite way to do this is YouTube videos. You simply find out what kind of content people are looking for, and make a fun video that helps them.

At the end of the video you invite them to go to your website and join your email list.

You can give them a free gift to entice them.

Or you can even tell them about a way they can disconnect their time from their money so they can spend more of their life doing the things they love with the people they love instead of working for 40+ hours a week doing something they hate.

(Your business, if it’s the right kind, makes this possible and there are millions of people who would love to see something like that).

2. Some of these people will join your business, establishing a residual income stream for you. As long as you have a way to help them after they join (without doing it yourself) you now have no additional time invested to maintain this new income stream.

In our company, we do daily group coaching masterminds every day that all of our customers can tune into to learn and ask questions.

This is leverage.

3. For all the people who visited your website and opted into your email list… you simply write little emails that educate, serve and inspire… this helps to build trust and as you're doing this, you just continue to invite these people to re-visit your business presentation. When done right, many of these people will join and increase your monthly recurring residual income.

As I write this post I can't even hardly believe how simple it really is.

These are the three steps I follow, that have helped me to build my dream life and business & also given my family the ability to be free and travel together.

Of course, it does take some skill to do in a way that works, but all of these skills are learnable.

If any of this is appealing to you, and you’d like to learn more, please feel free watch this video all the way through and get started at the end because I can help you a LOT more from the inside of our community. (This is of course, if you haven't already joined - as good as it is, no need to join twice) ;-)

Regardless, I hope that you’ll take some inspiration away from this email and remember that, no matter what anyone says,

It IS possible to build a life and business you love.

It is possible to work less and earn more.

It is possible to be free.
