Subject: The $8,000 Treadmill 🤯

Happy Freedom Friday Friend!

This morning I was running on my new treadmill, in my new home workout room and I got curious about the cost. (this treadmill was given to me for free).

As I searched out the brand of this treadmill, I began to be shocked to see that this treadmill is over $8,000 new and over $5,000 used or re-furbished.


As i reflected on the story and journey of where this treadmill came from, I realized that there were some things I did, in the past, that likely caused this to happen.

So, in addition to our community study of Think And Grow Rich, on our mastermind today, I also share the principle that seems to have landed this $8,000 treadmill in my life for free.

You can listen to the replay here if you want Friend, or you can dial 712-432-0990 access 565762# to pick up the goods. (This replay will be available all weekend).

Also, I went live for the last episode of The Good Parts today (for this week anyway)...

I wanted to send that your way as well because it contains a simple tip for more powerful and influenctial communication, which is SOOOOOOPER helpful for attracting and adience and creating sales - which is SOOOOPER helpful for growing your freedom.

Here's the link to watch it, or you can click the image below too.

That's all for now Friend.

Hope you have an AMAZING weekend.

To Freedom - and beyond,

Paul Hutchings

PS - We just sent off another donation to Feed My Starving Children that will help to provide over 9,000 days of meals bringing our grand total to 249,295 day sof meals so far.

All because we decided to start this incredible business.

So far we've paid out $4,196,493.32 in commissions to affiliates with $226,195.60 of that paid in the last month alone.

Of course our 80% commission pay plan, makes it a little easier to pay out so much, so fast, and seem to be causing this number to grow exponentially.

So thankful!

We're always on the lookout for great, heart-centered people who want to build more freedom and help to make the world, and people better at the same time.

If this is you, and you are intrigued at the possibilities, I'd love to invite you to watch this 4 minute video intro I made for you.

Talk soon!