Subject: The 40% Tip (This blew my mind...)

Hey Friend,

Today's mastermind really blew my mind.

In addition to the content, the mastermind portion was SOOOO good, we extended it by an extra 30 minutes and people STILL didn't want to leave.

We shared value, we loved, we inspired, we even sang and celebrated Christmas early together as this was our last Grow Rich Mastermind of the year.

All of that said, aside from the potential of your soul being touched and your heart being expanded from making the decision to tune in and listen,

There are some real world practical things you can learn that I believe, can help you tremendously on your freedom journey.

The 40% Tip can help you associate very positive emotion to wealth creation which can help DESTROY blocks to wealth that sometimes people have.

I also share in this mastermind, the only 3 CORE Influence strategies you need to make sales and have success marketing your products and services on the internet.

Despite what all the GOO ROOS say, you don't need 379 various sales and marketing tactics to generate sales and grow your income.

At the CORE of ALL sales, lie these 3 simple principles and if you learn them, and apply them well, you might be surprised at how easy it can be to help others see the value in what you're offering so they can make the decision to buy and get marching forward onto their better futures.

You can also listen by dialing 712-432-0990 Access 565762# right from your phone...

Merry Christmas Friend!

I love you, believe in you and KNOW that you have better things waiting for you in your future.

All the best,


PS - This free training has 3 of the most important things I've learned after over 10 years of Freedom Crusading that I want to shout from the rooftops of the world for ALL who care about residual income to hear so they don't have to make the same big mistakes I made on their road to freedom.