Subject: Stubborn, Stupid or .... ?

What's up Friend?

Over the past few days I've spent quite a bit of time revamping my blog and writing content.

When I first started succeeding online way back in that ol trailerhouse,

I had a strategy that was basically

SEO optimized blog posts + YouTube video + Target market = Sales

I had a process down and would rinse and repeat every day.

In the beginning, it felt like my freedom would never come, but now, looking back on it all, it feels like it happened so fast.

Getting to a spot where you no longer have to make money is an interesting place to be. It's a whole new challenge to motivate yourself to keep doing the things that got you there.

That, combined with all the time it's taken to start and help build a company and community from scratch, got me away from my old strategy of consistent content creation.

All of that to say that I've recently had time to refocus on my personal marketing efforts, and revamping my blog is one of the things I've been working on.

As I've been doing this, I realize that things have changed since those early days.

A.I. is now serving up information to questioners much faster, and in a much more concise and effective way than search engine content.

Of course, I can see the writing on the wall and find myself wondering...

I'm I stubborn or stupid for spending time on this blog?

And here's what I'm telling myself.

Even if I get no google search engine traffic from the posts I write on this blog, I think there's still value in building it.

Here's why...

Sending my newsletter subscribers to my blog for my content feels like a much better way to deliver stuff than to youtube or facebook.

With a blog, you can position yourself with your banner, an about me page with your story, testimonials and also banner ads to whatever you're promoting or selling .

Send people to youtube or social media and the big tech bros in silicon valley get to do all that with your labor.

So for that reason, I'm still thinking a properly structured blog is better for posting any newsletter bonus content you might have.

Oh, and what about social media traffic like facebook and/or youtube.

I can still attract people from those platforms to my blog for value delivery, positioning and list building - even if google never shows my blog posts to a single solitary soul, right?

Furthermore, what about sending traffic from youtube to a blog post for additional educational content vs straight to a lead capture page?

In my mind experiment, I'm feeling like in some cases, this might be a bit of a softer landing for youtube visitors.

I'm just thinking out loud here Friend (or in your mind with my words)... :-)

Even if A.I. does end up gobbling up all the search engine traffic, I don't think it's going to replace the need we have for human connection and interaction - hence the continued relevance for social media.

I also don't think A.I. is close to being able to create the types of videos that a human can create and for that reason, YouTube still feels like it will be highly relevant at least for the next little bit.

Listening to Elon Musk talk, it sounds like A.I. may eventually be able to create videos better than us, but that's still a ways off.

So what do you think?

Is blogging dead or dying a slow death with the machines on the rise?

It's interesting to think about how home business and online marketing will be affected in the future.

For now, all we can do is all we can do.

So I got my trusty little blog and I'm doing what I can to iron out a daily content creation process for vids and posts, utilizing A.I. to make it easier on me, but without letting it totally replace me.

What are you seeing and/or doing in your business to continue to grow and reach people with the realization that A.I. is coming up fast on our heels?

Do you have a blog?

Are you posting on YouTube?

Would love to hear your thoughts.

Thanks for reading and whatever you do, always go for your dreams,


PS: Yes, I did make a new video and blog post today, and you're welcome to check it out if you want.

Here's a nifty little pic you can click.

Or here if the image didn't show up for you.