Subject: Solved! (best time to email your list)

It's me again Friend. :-)

Hope you had a great weekend and are all FIRED UP for the new week to take action, and get stuff done on the road to FREEEEEEEEEEDOM!

Wanted to send you this brand new video that answers the golden question...

"When is the best time to send emails to your email list?"

After polling some friends and a little bit of good ol' internet research, I'm guessing that my answer here, is not what you might expect.

Give it a watch and let me know in the comments...

Talk soon!


PS - Shout out to Franco who watched this video and made the powerful decision to get started with our community!

Oh and Roy too...

Hot DIGGITTY Money Dancing DOG, we're growing like Crazy right now Friend! If you haven't eaten up every word and sound on this page yet Friend, you could seriously be missing out BIG time... Just sayin...