Subject: She nearly liquidated her 401K and paid $26K for "online marketing coaching."


Last week, one of our new members told us that she and her husband had paid a HUGE some of money to some online marketing GOO ROO for coaching on how to be successful online.

Long story short, they regretted the decision and were a bit sad to have spent so much money.

I hear stories like this way too often and it hurts my heart every single time.

I don't know who needs to hear this but please, hear me when I say... YOU DO NOT NEED TO SPEND A FORTUNE to learn online marketing.

In fact, I recommend that you don't.

As someone who's been marketing online for 1 year shy of 2 decades of my life, It's my "Professional" opinion that spending a ton of money on an online marketing business is almost always a bad idea.

Especially when you can get the same information for a FRACTION of the cost.

Marketing is not rocket science and it's learnable.

MOST of what you need is going to come from personal action and lived experience and those are things you can not buy.

A mentor can only do so much.

Show you the ropes... teach you the basics... help you fix things along the way, build some belief, encourage you, give you a good example to follow/model, help to provide a community of support, show you what tools to use, a bit of what to do, and a bit of what not to do, maybe some continued motivation, etc...

Is that worth $20,000 or more...

In my opinion - NO!

Please do NOT fall for the GOO ROO sales pitch that says..

"Look how amazing I am. Look how many people I've helped... I'm your one and only source of financial salvation and if you'll just give me all of your money, I'll snap my fingers and you can be successful too."

It NEVER works like that.

Online marketing is a business, just like any other business and YOU are always gonna be the X factor in whether or not that business works.

I would recommend finding a credible place you can learn from that you can TRUST... that's affordable, and in it to actually help you win it vs just getting your money.

I sometimes tire of saying this same thing, over and over again, but apparently, it's still needed out there in the wild wild west of internet shysters, so now you have, yet again, my periodic public service announcement.

Feel free to share this email if you think any of your friends need to hear this message.

All the best,
