Subject: She cried when I did this...

So, a few weeks ago I was on the phone with a new team member.

This is someone I've known for years, in fact, we got started in network marketing / home biz at the same time and had a lot of fun times at meetings here in SE Idaho.

In the middle of our conversation, she started to cry.

Then she said "I don't know why I'm crying. It might be because I've just come out of a hard work situation where I was helping people who were dealing with things that were so heavy...

... To now be in an environment and around people who are so light and happy and positive... it just has such an emotional effect on me."

They were tears of joy.

And that's, what I love most about building a business from home.

We get to help people see the light, and the future, and the dream.

People need that Friend.

What we do is magical.

We get to show people the door to a better future.

'2 men looked out from prison bars, one saw the mud, the other the stars.'

See the stars Friend, and always do your best to help others see them too.

Do this, in every interaction with others, and you'll be amazed at what can happen in your life and business.

Keep shining,

~ Paul

PS - I'm ready to help 3 more people get started on the path to FREEEEEDOM! If this is you Friend, watch the video and read every single word on this page, then either get started immediately OR call me with any questions. - 208-557-8009 < - my personal cell phone number.