Subject: Secret Prospecting Formula Unleashed Stranger In The Wild

Hey Friend!

Hope you had a great weekend.

So something funny and kind of cool happened to me on Saturday night.

I went in to get a new cell phone with my son Kyson and when I left, the lady who had been helping us, had written her name and phone number down on my reciept, and asked me to follow up with her and tell here more about my business.

(Yes, my wife Corene was ok with another woman giving her phone number) :-)

For the last 15 years or so, I've pretty much done my business 100% online.

My son's friends mom who lives in my local area, joined a while back, but she joined because she had seen my videos online, not because I called or met her to prospect her.

So, meeting a stranger in public and walking away with a lead is definetely a new experience for me, but what I realized is that the SAME principles that have worked for me for so long online, seem to work offline too.

That's the great thing about principles.

Anyway, if you decide to watch me tell the story here, you can pick up my simple 3 step prospecting formula and maybe a little inspiration at the same time.

Thanks for reading and for staying subscribed to my email list.

Hope you have an awesome Monday.

All the best,


PS: If you haven't yet done so, you might want to consider grabbing a free copy of my new Magical Morning Formula long with The Little Book of Magic Affirmations that comes with it for free as well.

Here's the link where you can pick that up, compliments of yours truly.

Here's one one awesome and amazing freedom crusader had to say about it...