Subject: [Replay] AI Revolution, Musk's Terror & The Secret To...

Hey Friend,

I just finished up the live stream and ended up talking about some things I hadn't really planned on talking about, in addition to the Emerson demo.

I guess that's one of the benefits of going live right?

You just might say things that both you and your audience find surprising and valuable. :-)

Anyway here's some of what I covered...

  • The greatest threat to humanity?

  • Why the world's richest man went on a crusade to convince congress to add oversight, and failed.

  • The 'little-known' reason, odds are high, the world is about to get very, very weird this year.

  • The virtue of doubt and skepticism and how to use it avoid being 'duped'.

  • The 'God On Earth' Prophecy

  • The secret to finding, getting and giving the BEST service

  • The Mind-Bending Demo of The Emerson Magic Content Machine

  • The most important secret to having success in a home business and why people who use AI in the wrong way will be missing the boat.

All that and more Friend, ;-), if you decide to watch this replay.

Make it an awesome weekend and thank you for allowing me to be in your life via email. :-)
