Subject: Quick Do's and Don'ts of Home Biz Success

Hey Friend,

This week I've had 3 people ask me the same question which was basically, what exactly should or would I be doing to have success building a business from home, SOOOOO, I created a 1 minute video with my top 4 suggestions.

But before I give you the link, I wanted to give you an example of what NOT to do when sending new people invitations on Social Media, and even if you're not sending random strangers messages, this is STILL good NOT to do so you can have better relationships and attract more people.

Here's what not to do...

Wrong, wrong, WRONG! Don't do this.

No trust, no good reason for me to do what he wants me to do, AND he commanded me to do it instead of INVITING me.

Big differences that can make ALL the difference in the world as to how your home biz and freedom works out.

Ok, here's my 4 recommended steps for success in under a minute.  

Keep on ROCKING in the FREE world Friend,
