Subject: [Podcast] - Interview With MLM Lead Gen Expert...

Hey Friend,

Last week I had the honor of interviewing a great leader in the network marketing space. This particular leader created a famous lead system a number of years ago, and his system has been around and helping people for a long time now.

I've really admired his longevity and his sincerity, as he's continued to reach out and connect personally with me over the years to touch base.

There is a lot of gold in this interview. One of my fav stories was when he talked about getting started working with his first mentor.

His mentor agreed to work with him on one condition.

He was not allowed to have an opinion.

Ha ha. That made me laugh but also passes along a really great lesson in the process.

Anyway Friend, I learned early on that success leaves clues and that it's a great idea to look for those clues wherever I might find them.

This interview has some clues, (and some laughs).

I really hope you find it valuable for your journey as you continue marching toward your better future.

All the best!


PS - You can click my pic to learn more about me and my personal story if you're curious who the heck I am. I did my best to scatter some of the best clues I picked up on my journey to freedom as I shared my story on that page.

PPS - As my friend Rob says, 'Bless and be blessed' :-)