Subject: [Podcast #11] How Big Money Goons Keep People Broke

Hey Friend,

I just published a brand new podcast episode and wanted to send your way.

If you decide to listen, you'll discover the #1 strategy 'Big Money Goons' use to keep people broke & how to beat em' so they can stop stealing our freedom.

Friend, big money goons aren't the only one's using this strategy.

When you become aware of it, you'll start seeing it everywhere and it will make you a better thinker and decision maker too.

Audio is 14 minutes and you can listen here.

All the best,


PS - I had a ton of response from yesterday's email about personally helping 3 people get started on the road to freedom faster. I'm only taking 3 new partners this week and my guess is, they'll be filled up pretty fast. Now is the time to consume every piece of info here, if you want one of those 3 spots.

Lemme know if you have any questions. I'm here to help.