Subject: Only 5 spots available (closing Sunday)

Hey Friend,

Just a quick note to get your attention and let you know (in case you missed my last couple emails) that I'm looking for 5 people this weekend, who are serious about creating more success and freedom in their lives.

Back in 2009, when I was struggling big time and living in a trailer-house (and before I had produced millions of dollars in sales online), one of the things that made a big difference for me, was finding a mentor who was doing what I wanted to do.

I remember the very first phone call I had with him.

I was in a teeny tiny trailer-house office, and he was living in a beach house on a tropical island paradise. (true story)

I remember being so hungry and eager for him to teach me.

Long story short, he told me exactly what to do on that phone call.

It didn't all change for me immediately, but sure enough, as I kept following his instructions, and learning from being around him...

How he thought, how he talked, how he wrote, etc...

I was able to achieve my first $3,000 in monthly income, which went on to $7,000 and then $10,000 and then $20K + and then all of that turned into millions upon millions of dollars for my family and the people around me.

One of the sincere realizations I had, after I won my freedom, was that with great blessing, comes great responsibility.

I know, deep in my heart, that I'm not supposed to just ride off into the sunset and enjoy the rest of my life on a beach.

It's my job, no, it's my mission, purpose and reason for being - to be there for others, still making their way along the path.

And that's why, this weekend, I'm looking for 5 people who are serious about making a powerful new decision for their lives, family and future.

If you can see yourself, as potentially one of these 5, make sure you read each of the last 2 emails I've sent, and follow the instructions inside.

Here they are again for your convenience.

Email 1 

Email 2

And watch your inbox this weekend, for the next steps.

Talk soon,
