Subject: Ninja Facebook Groups Marketing Tip

Hey Friend,

The other day my friend Kevin called me and told me a pretty cool ninja trick for Facebook groups.

Cool thing about Facebook groups, is when you build them right, Facebook can give you some pretty free viral exposure.

Check this out Friend, I have one group with over 260K members.. and Facebook got them all for me, for FREEEE!

The problem with Facebook groups though, is only a small fraction of the members see the posts that are made in the group.

What if you wanted to post a message that EVERY member in the group saw, without cost?

Until my friend Kevin called me, there wasn't a way.

Now there is.

You can learn about it in this 36 second video here if you want Friend.

Be blessed!


PS - If you want to learn more about how to start & grow your own Facebook group that can get viral leads and growth.. We have a module on that, that I created right after I started the viral group above, that teaches exactly what I did.

That's one of the modules you get inside our premium membership that you can get a free trial to, when you buy our funnel builder and all in one bonus offer here.

PPS - This is also a pretty good money maker too Friend. If you want to grow a residual income, I'd recommend watching this video and studying this page here, before you join.