Subject: [New Pod] insider truth of why i left network marketing...

Hey Friend!

Hope you're having an awesome Monday!

So a couple weeks ago a friend of mine, who hosts a pretty successful podcast called "Money Ripples" reached out to me and asked me how business was going.

I told him "Great" and he seemed a little surprised because some of his friends who are leaders in the network marketing profession had been telling him that lately, business was harder than it used to be.

I shared some of my thoughts as to why that may be the case and Chris was intrigued.

He asked me to come on his podcast and share some of my experience and insights from my time in network marketing.

Here's the link to the episode if you want to get the low down.

We also talked about,

  • What I believe to be, the best business model in the world for residual income creation

  • A couple of verifiable business trends that shed light on how the home business industry has been changing over the last couple decades AND how you can profit from this knowledge if you understand it and act accordingly.

Some of the things I share in this interview, I rarely talk about and are things that you would only know if you climbed your way deep into the inner circles of the home business profession.

If you're serious about building a long term income from home, I truly believe some of these ideas are worth knowing.

If this sounds like something for you Friend, just be sure to click this link and scroll down to the video below the text intro to click play.

I hope you find this information valuable and enlightening and that it helps you on your freedom journey.

Thanks so much for staying plugged into my email list.

I truly appreciate you!


PS: Wanted to give a shout out and huge thank you to one of my subscribers for sending me this very nice note last week.

PPS: My business partner, Mike, hosted our Grow Rich mastermind this morning and even though I'm traveling I tuned in and it really helped to get my day started in a high vibe way.

If you'd like a little 'pick me up' Friend, as well as some ideas for how you can create more wealth in your life, I'd love to invite you to check out the replay here.

You can also tune in from your phone by dialing 712-432-0990 

Access Code: 565762#

This replay is free and it will be up into tomorrow morning at 9 AM.