Subject: My Biggest Content Marketing Mistake From 2023

Yo Friend, Happy Monday!

These last few days have been a bit of a whirlwind.

Went skiing Friday and Saturday and in the midst of it all, we're finishing up the final touches on that super dooper secret thing I've been telling you about for the last week.

I'm not quite ready to release it to my email list yet because we figured it would be a good idea to show it to our paying customers first, so we're gonna do that tonight.

Don't worry though Friend, I'm never one to leave you out in the cold, so in addition to the new, free content I've got for you in today's email...

I'm also going to show you a way you can be on tonight, if you want to get a jumpstart on checking out what we're pre-releasing.

First things first (The New Free Training)...

Today's Video: My Biggest Content Marketing Mistake From Last Year 

I was reviewing my YouTube channel statistics and realized there was one thing that I could have done a LOT more of that would have increased my marketing results, probably by an order of magnitude.

I reveal that in today's video here...

If you like this thumbnail, I'll show you how you can create images like this as you continue to read.

Friday while I was skiing, I also went live and shared a marketing lesson that's been very valuable to me over the years.

It's called "How To Project Prosperity Without Having Or Flashing Cash" and you can watch the replay here if you wish.

Ok, that's it for the free content, now onto how you can tune into our big annoucement tonight, and learn about it before everyone else, if you want.

So in the company I co-founded we have a product called HBA Premium Traffic & Conversions Academy.

This product is our highest paying residual income product and the people who own it, are generally the most serious and committed to their goals of freedom.

So, that's why we decided to reward them by showing them what we've been working on first, tonight.

The way you can get access to the webinar tonight Friend, if you want to see what I've been talking about for the last week, is to become a customer and member of our community at the premium level.

You can do this here for just $25 bucks

(if you're not already a member of course)

Just be sure to check the box for the 2 week free trial to premium on the page, and you'll be golden.

After you've joined, you'll want to mark your calendar for 8 PM EST tonight, and click the yellow button on this page to join our mastermind to see what my excitement's been all about for the last week.

Of course this is 100% optional, and I will be telling you about this in a week or so, but I wanted to give you a way where you didn't have to wait, if you wanted to see it today.

Another cool benefit you can get by joining today, is to see the exact A.I. prompt I engineered to create stunning YouTube video thumbnails, channeling your inner beast.

I wanted to find a way to do this myself, and I noticed lots of tools you could pay for that supposedly gave you great thumbnails.

I wondered if I could craft a prompt and process that would give me the output I wanted, without having to buy yet another tool.

So, this super prompt I created works great with Chat GPT and here are the examples of thumbnails I've created so far.

The other thing you'll need is the ability to fix the spelling from the A.I. generated image, along with the ability to perhaps add a picture of yourself if you want.

I found a way to use Canva to do this.

So, once again, you'll need

  • ChatGPT

  • Canva (probably the paid version)

  • And my specially engineered super prompt that channels the world's most famous and successful youtube video & thumbnail creator, Mr. Beast.

I revealed all of this, along with the process in today's edition of our T & C mastermind which is available for premium members.

So Friend, if you decide to fill out this form today, and check the premium box, not only will you get access to our members only webinar tonight with the big announcement...

You'll also get my A.I. Superprompt for Thumbnail image creation... (TOTAL gamechanger for me, honestly). You can find that here in today's replay of our Traffic & Conversions Mastermind, after you join. Make sure it's the January 8th, 2023 one. The prompt is revealed toward the end of the training.

Ok, that's all for now.

Thanks for reading and hope you make it an amazing day!

All the best,


PS: Son of a biscuit, I almost forgot... Saturday I did a full overview of our business model and shared a ton of great lessons to help you pick the right business (and not get ripped off) in the home business space.

This is perfect to watch if you want to see the big picture of what I do online, and again, it's also great to watch if you're new the online marketing world because even if this isn't for you, can you learn a lot about what to avoid and what to look for in an online business.

Hope it helps!

PPS: If you have any questions for me, feel free to reply to this email and I'll do my best to get you the answer you're looking for.