Subject: My Best Advice...

Happy Sunday Friend,

Wanted to write you a little note & share my best business advice.

This one thing, I believe is what attracts the greatest fortunes and builds the biggest businesses.

Sometime ago, I noticed something about myself that had shifted and it felt profound.

I realized that after years and years of ‘following’ people, gurus, sponsors, up lines, etc… I suddenly realized I was no longer following anyone.

I had unsubscribed from nearly every popular email list.

I wasn’t looking for the latest ‘secret’ to be revealed to me in a book or a seminar.

I found myself at odds with the ever popular advice of nearly every personal development teacher on todays market who exhorts you to ‘get a mentor’ or ‘get a coach.’

I didn’t have a mentor or a coach and I didn’t want one.

Was I being stubborn, prideful, arrogant or unteachable?

I asked myself these questions and reflected upon the answers I found.

No, I don’t think it was any of those things.

It was simply the fact that I’d come to a place where I wanted to search my own mind and heart, along with the minds and hearts of the people closest to me,

❤️ My customers
❤️ My business partners
❤️ The people I’m called to serve

To find the best answers that are most relevant to my business and purpose in life.

This doesn’t mean I don’t gather great ideas from the best minds I can find…

It just means I don’t follow people and expect them to give me all the answers.

I don’t worship anyone as a be all end all resource for wisdom.

I use my own mind to question, think and come to my own conclusions.

And this is my best advice for you too.

Regardless of where you’re at in your business journey, the goal always should be to use your own mind to find and implement the best answers for your life and business.

Even if you get a great idea from someone or some place else…

You want to reason that idea out yourself, understand why it’s a good idea and implement based on the conclusions you come to yourself.

So many people in today’s world are looking for shortcuts to good answers.

They want to skip over the work of thought.

Wernher Von Braun, one of this centuries greatest aerospace engineers was asked one time…

‘What’s wrong with the wold today?’

He replied, ‘Men simply don’t think.’

And maybe this is why there’s such a huge demand for coaches, paid mentors, gurus and ‘authorities’.

The problem with relying on other peoples answers for the questions of your life and business though, is the simple reality that these other people are not living your life or building your business.

There are distinctions to be made and you are the only one who can apply these distinctions to make sure the ideas you implement are the best ones for you.

And this requires that you be your own thinker.

This is the main reason I’m a huge proponent of personal development… books, podcasts, audios, etc.

Not because these things can give you the answers, but because they can help you become a better thinker so you can recognize or come up the the best answers.

Another thing that happens after you’ve read a lot of books, and consumed a hefty amount of ideas and information, is you begin to realize that these people you’re getting this info from, are no better than you are.

They are humans, doing their best, gathering ideas and sharing them.

They are not Gods and their ideas are not commandments.

This realization can help you discover a massive inner reservoir of strength to come up with your own ideas and stand on them.

Steve Jobs expressed this concept beautifully when he said…

“Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact. And that is everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it-you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use.”

Getting to this place and space may not be something that happens instantly. But even if it requires a long road of study, contemplation and experience, it’s worth it.

Its like discovering the real you. A fully realized individual with the courage to set your own goals, make your own plans, chart your own course - regardless of what ‘they’ may think or say.

If you read a great idea and spit it back out on a Facebook post, there’s nothing wrong with that.

But always remember that it doesn’t make the idea yours, and it doesn’t mean the fingers typing the post belong to a person who truly understands the idea on a level required to give it real value.

Like Mortimer Adler wrote, ‘as long as the soul of your idea resides in the mind of another, you are not free.’

To bring the soul of an idea into your own mind and heart, it must be understood, reasoned out and concluded upon by your own brain.

This is done with actual, individual and serious thought.

And once you have the soul of the best ideas embedded within you, watch out world because magic
🪄 is about to unfold.

Keep going Friend.

Keep seeking, thinking, planning and moving for your freedom.

And just like no one is qualified to do your thinking for you, no one is ever qualified to put you down, or tell you you can’t do something you want or feel called to do.

Until next time,


PS - We are building a community of freedom crusaders… people who are independent thinkers, doers, builders and world changers… all aligned for the purpose of building more freedom in the world, faster and in principle centered ways.

If this resonates with you, I’d love to invite you to consider joining us.
