Subject: Millionaire Mode - off [on] ( Live Monday)

Happy Saturday Friend,

Hope your weekend is off to a great


I wanted to send you an invitation to

a special webinar we're doing this

Monday night @ 8 PM EST.

We have a special guest trainer

who's an actual debt-free millionaire!  

He's going to share...

'The Fastest P.C. Path To A $3,000

to $15,000 Monthly Income From


In addition to that.. he'll be revealing

The Hidden Residual Formula
That Makes Attrition Obsolete


The P.C.G.P.T Method That Grows
Residual Income Up to 17 X Faster

The Freedom Trifecta AKA - The Only
3 Things You Need To Achieve Any

Does any of that sound like something

you'd be excited to learn?

If the answer is 'YES' I'd love to invite

you to be my special guest and join

me Monday night using this private

access link...

It's going to be a ton of fun and I

hope to see you there!

All the best,


PS - Oh, I almost forgot. We have

a special surprise gift we'll be

announcing Monday.

I have a feeling a lot of people

will be super pumped about this

announcement and would hate

for you to miss out.

Join us live Monday to be one

of the very first to be 'in the know'.

PPS - These Monday night's

are usually reserved for our

paying members but this week

we're allowing guests. :-)