Subject: Little Hinges Swing Big Doors Friend...

Good morning Friend!

I just finished up a video and while I was editing, listening & reflecting on the stories...

I was reminded of a great quote I read in a book by W. Clement Stone.

'Little hinges swing big doors.' 

It's easy to mistakenly think that success is about one grand act, or push, or effort, when in reality - it's the little things, the little hinges on the doors of our lives - that do the heavy lifting, over time.

A strong push every now and then is fine, but the occasional strong push - without the consistent 'soft' ones, is likely to leave us wondering what happened & confused as to why we haven't achieved the results we desired.

Each day, in every way we are building the monuments that will ever be known as 'our lives'.

If we want the monuments of our lives, our acts & our words to serve as inspiration for others... It's important we pick up the chisel & chip away consistently, every day.

I suppose there are many secrets to success to learn but this is one of them for sure.

You can't do the work of your life in one day, but you can do it, in a day.

What will you accomplish with your life Friend?

If you want the answer to that question, just ask yourself what you will accomplish today.

Because the truth is - our lives - and today - are one in the same.

We never have any other time than today.

'Yesterday is history, tomorrow's a mystery and today is a gift, that's why they call it the present.' -Kung Fu Panda :-)

Today squandered = that fractional portion of your life squandered.

Today invested well = another drop of interest to help your life continue to compound into something even more amazing!

Anyway Friend, just wanted to send out this little note because I'm blown away by how the simplest little decisions I've made, (but consistently made) have turned into so much more than I ever could have imagined.

Now that I'm here, I can see it and speak of it with you and hopefully encourage you, to do whatever it takes, to do the work you know you need to do. The simple work. The work that no body sees. The work that will reward you, perhaps far off in the future.

It's worth it.


PS - If you want to see the video I mentioned above, you can watch it here. It tells a crazy story of a chance encounter in a cruise ship hot tub, in the Bahamas, that turned into one of the most profitable (and spiritually fulfilling) businesses of my life. I think it also does a great job illustrating one of the points of this email.

Little hinges, do indeed, swing big doors.