Subject: Last Day Friend, 5 more joined, 12 hours left...

Happy Freedom Friday Friend,

Well the bad news is, today's the last day of our special 40% discount on this amazing app, and the last day you have the chance to secure my bonuses.

The Good news is, this is the last day because I'm tired and need a break. :-) kidding/not kidding

January has been one HECK of a 'kickoff the year' month.

Since my last email, 5 more people got started with me by watching this video, clicking the red button and entering the coupon code '40off'.

Thank you so much

Jake Poulin

Ronalyn Monforte

Andrew Blaser

Gina Fink

Booker Williams

For your trust.

So far Friend, as I write this email, we have 795 Active subscribers to Let’s Goal, and 1,117 users.  (because of the free family share aspect)

But those are just numbers right Friend?  

What's really exciting are the stories of the difference that's being made with this product.  

For example this morning, my friend Ashley Casper told me, that when she went down to her home gym to do her daily work out, she saw that her 16-year-old daughter was on the treadmill.  

This was not normal.  

After her daughter got off the treadmill she said “hey mom can I use your yoga mat?” 

At this point Ashley was thinking “OK what's going on here?” 

Turns out Ashley’s daughter had been using her Let’s Goal family share account, and got inspired to start working on her health.  

This is the point of this product.  

To help more people set goals, grow and be inspired to create positive change for their lives, every single day.  

Huge thanks to everyone who's taken action on this, been using it, and also thanks to those who've been sharing it with others.  

And if you haven't seen it yet Friend, or made a decision to get started, you still have some time to do that.

Imagine in the future, the difference deciding to get started with this product can make, as you see yourself as a more healthy, happy, peaceful, positive prosperous person,

...all because you decided to invest in yourself and stick with something that can transform nearly every aspect of your life.

Love and appreciate you reguardless,
