Subject: Last Day + Could This ACTUALY BE Possible...?

Hey Friend,

Just wanted to send a friendly reminder that today is the last day to take action on our free 2 week option to join and use our new Emerson Content Machine For Free.

Also, one of the things I've noticed about people just getting started on the online marketing journey is that some of them wonder if they can make videos without being on camera.

Others wonder if they can get started creating quality content, especially if it's something they've never done it before.

Here's something to think about.

What if you could use our Emerson Magic Content Machine to create a super high quality text version of some content on a topic, with the click of a button.

Then, what if you could take that same text (edit it a bit or not)... and put it in a program that turns that text into a human like voice for a video?

Well buckle your seatbelt Friend, because not only is that possible right now, it may even be possible to have AI clone YOUR OWN voice, so when you do the text to speech, it's actually your voice on the videos...

(I'm still in research mode on the voice cloning)...

Here's an example of a video I made last night that is 100% text to speech generated using artificial intelligence. I think it's pretty good and this makes me SUPER excited about the new and better ways we'll all be able to build our businesses and create more freedom moving into the future.


PS - I just got off of our daily T & C Mastermind. We do these each week day, Monday through Friday.

During promotions, I always get super excited talking about all the new members joining, and the mind blowing increase in residual income and stuff...

One of my friends Amy, sent out an email that helped me to remember the truth of the real power in our business and community.

It's so much more than a 2 week free trial to our products, AI, online marketing, residual income, sales numbers or revenue growth.

Those things are exciting and that's why I talk a lot about them during promotions... BUT

It's super important to remember that those things are not the heart of our community.

Our community, is the heart of our community.

Amy's email reminded me of that, so I wanted to pass it along because it truly is something special, in so very many ways.

Here's what she wrote...


Today on our daily Traffic and Conversions Mastermind (we have these on Zoom every day Monday-Friday), one of the members of our community was sharing about how much she's learning and also about how comfortable she feels here.


She said,


"Thank you for the safe space."


This community has proven to be a godsend to so many of our members, myself included.


It's like a family.


But a different kind of family.... the kind where everyone gets along and lifts each other up and supports each other and takes care of each other.


As my friend Sean Canty says, "Everyone needs a core community."


And our community has been the core community for many of us.


I even just got a beautiful plant delivered from 2 of our 'family' members, Jim & Kristi. 


I can't say enough about h much I love this place and the people here.

So... although we have this amazing promotion going on right now (only until tomorrow)... where you can get access to:

  • our AI content writer,

  • our state of the art funnel builder, and

  • our Premium Traffic & Conversions Academy

(All 100% free for 2 full weeks (no strings attached)...


...I wanted to make sure that you knew that you will also get to be a part of our community for 2 weeks, too.


This, in my opinion, is the best part of all.


You can come hang out with us on Zoom as many times as you like for 2 weeks to get to know us and see the kind of invaluable training that's provided.


You can give us a thorough test drive to see if this feels like a place you'd like to hang your hat.... to see if maybe we can end up being your core community.


Anyway, the tools and products you will get access to will blow your mind for sure... but I needed to tell you about the community, which is the best part of all.


If you've ever wondered what it would be like to have a 'family' of online entrepreneurs, from all walk of life, in all sorts of niches and all sorts of industries, building all sorts of businesses with all sorts of companies...


There's a never been a better opportunity to meet us, with absolutely no financial investment.


We have removed all barriers of entry to make it as easy as possible for you.


Heck, we are even giving you access to our affiliate program if you want to start earning some 80% residual commissions...


All for free. But only until tomorrow, January 20th, at midnight.


This video explains all of the details.


Please don't pass this up and let this once in a lifetime opportunity pass you by if you need any help with your marketing (or your content-writing) or would love to have a community of entrepreneurs to call family and support you as you grow your home-based business.


I hope to see you inside and I look forward to getting to know you better.


PLEASE reply to this email if you have any questions whatsoever.


I'm here to help!


Learn more and get your 2 week pass here.


Talk soon.


Love you,




Thanks so much Amy for always helping me and us remember the change we are striving to be in the world. ❤️