Subject: Kyson's money secret...

Hey Friend,

This is my 14-year-old son Kyson... He's a money maker and he has a secret...

A couple years ago he bought a motorcycle for around $800.

This year he bought a new one and decided he was going to sell the old one.

He listed his old one for $700, and as the weeks went by, people kept offering him $500.

Every time this happened he would say “no I’m holding out for 600.” 

After a while all of his friends and family started to tell him he was crazy and that he should take the $500. 

I mean if that continues to come in as the highest offer that must be the money on the bike right? 

Even I encouraged him to take the 500. 

But he held out. 

Well this last weekend someone sent a message and asked if he would take $600.

He grinned and said “I could do that.”

The couple showed up the next day, said it was a very nice bike, gave him the cash and left him smiling from ear to ear. 

I told Kyson “I’m so proud of you son for sticking to your guns and not giving into what everyone else around you was saying. 

This is one of the marks of a successful person, to know what one wants and to not be willing to cave in to what 'they' or 'Everyone else' has to say about it.”

He smiled and told me "yeah and I wasn't in a hurry to sell it, I didn’t have to sell it and it’s the beginning of the summer so I have plenty of time to wait.” 

That's right son. You knew what you wanted, thought it through and were willing to persist until what you wanted happened.

This is the formula.

I try to teach all of my kids this stuff, Kyson has really picked up on it and uses it all the time.

Sometimes he uses it against me and reminds me that I'm the one who taught him how to be persistent.

Super annoying but it makes me proud too.


Anyway, hope this story brought a little insight and light into your life today.

Hold fast to your dream Friend and don't listen to the critics. Even the ones that love you can be and often are wrong about what you can do in life.

All the best,


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PS: Here's a quick little short about a "Surefire Way To Kill Residual Income"

Of course you don't want to kill residual so it's good to know about things that do so we can not do them right? :-)

PPS: Check out this little snapshot of some of my residual commissions from yesterday.

Is that nutz or what!? Yeah I couldn't fit all of them on my phone screen to fit in the pic and that's why it's only showing some of them.

This is literally a dream come true. To have money coming in every day that makes it so i can do whatever I want with most of my time each day.

I first learned about residual back in 2005 and became obsessed with the idea trying many different things..

Eventually I realized that I was going to have to create something of my own that I could trust if I really wanted my dream to be a reality.

Anyway, if you're curious... You can get started with me for as little as $10 per month here or $25 per month here.

Definitely worth taking a peek at if you haven't taken a close look yet.