Subject: Keysha's Multiple Six Figure Secret

Happy Freedom Friday Friend!

I have a quick but special message to share with you as we head into the weekend.

You may or may not know that back in 2009, I started hosting a daily conference call that has been 100% free to the general public. This call is still going today.

There have been plenty of times over the years where I was tired and didn't feel like doing it.

There have been plenty of times where I wondered if it was even making a difference.

There have been times where I wanted to stop.

I didn't.

This last Monday, a powerful leader named Keysha came out on our private coaching mastermind because she had just decided to join us, and even referred a bunch of sales making it to the top of our leaderboard.

Here's what blew me away Friend.

Keysha started telling her story and relating to everyone that back in 2013 she was on that call every day, religiously, and even though she never came out and said anything, it was responsible for her being able to replace her six figure job income when it was yanked away from her.

Keysha is a SUPER STAR YouTube influencer now and you can hear her share the story along with her success tips here on this replay my business partner put up.

In it she reveals her six figure secret but here's another secret I want to pass along to you from this story.

Friend, you just never know who's watching you.

You never know who's listening.

You never know who's reading the posts & emails you put out there.

This is why it's SOOOO important to just wake up every day, and do your thing.

Sing your song out into the world, every day as you grow your business.

Plant seeds every where you can.

Never stop.

Do it, not because of what they say about you - but instead, because it's the right thing to do for you and the people who's lives you're meant to touch.

If you do, one day you'll wake up and realize that you planted good seeds down so deep in your own heart, that your life has turned into something so amazing and wonderful, you almost can't believe it.

AND, you'll look around and see the beautiful trees of the seeds you planted that were right there growing with you along the way (even though you may not have even seen them before).

The law of the harvest is real and I just wanted to pass this along in the hopes it could inspire you to KEEP GOING and KEEP PLANTING.

The world needs more freedom trees.

Have a great weekend Friend, and whatever you do...

Always, go for your dreams.


PS - If you want to catch the replay of today's mastermind, you can listen here or dial 712-432-0990 Access 565762#. It has something to do with turning your market cart, into a chariot of the sun. :-)

PPS - If you're open to a new and exciting residual stream of freedom, here's an awesome video to watch.