Subject: Just 10 hours left, 8 joined & a Freedom Friday High Five From Idaho...

Hey Friend,

Yippeee Kai YAY, It's freedom Friday!

Here let me give you a proper high five all the way from Idaho..

Hey that reminds me of the commission notification emails we get when someone decides do get started with one of our products.

Check this out..

We do like to have fun here in The HBA.

Any who the REAL purpose of this email is to remind you that it all ends tonight!

~ the 55% discount on our super dooper incredible lead machine... (Making it so you get a full 30 days for the low, low, absolutely irresistible price of $11.11.

Check out how many have filled out the form and gotten started already...

Pretty cool right?

So this amazing deal goes away tonight at 11:11 PM.

If you want to make sure you get it, fill out this form right now and use the coupon code '1111' on the checkout page right after it.

Fair warning - usually when we have super exciting specials like this I spend the day sending out emails like a crazed lunatic hunched over his computer, eyes bulging and hair standing up from the excitement,

Because I want to make sure no one missed out.

Today however, I have other things to do so I won't be sending out reminders all day.

That's why, if you like what you see on this page - and want the special deal - it's important that you fill out the form right now to be sure you don't accidentally miss out.

The other thing that goes way today is my Monthly Marketing Roundup where I share the top 7 takeaways I learned from my last 187 leads generated on facebook with paid ads.

(It's almost like a mini free Facebook ads course)

If that's something you want to see - be sure to peep it sometime today also before it goes away.

Here's the link.

Ok Friend, that's it for today.

May the freedom force be with you and I hope to see you on the inside.

Paul 'The Freedom Crusader' Hutchings

(This isn't really me but I do love this Gif) ;-)