Subject: It's LIVE Friend (open now for change)

WAHOO Friend, our transformation challenge page and video is live and you can watch it here right now if you want to get a head start.

The challenge starts Monday the 12th so you have a few days to prepare and get ready which is one of the most important parts of the challenge.

We share exactly how to to that in this video.

In addition to learning about the challenge, we also share some great tips on how you can create rapid personal transformation without the stress that's usually associated with growing quickly.

The things we share in this video are super helpful for goal setting and positive change, even if you decide this challenge is not the thing you need to help you transform your bank account and/or your body over the next couple months.

In this video, we share a little secret to making challenges & goal setting much more effective. We learned this tip on one of our community masterminds a couple weeks ago and are implementing it with this challenge.

Shout out to Jessie Jenkins who shared this with us.

If you ever decide to run your own challenge in the future, this one tip could be gold in your pocket, as far as making the challenge successful for yourself and others.

(If you didn't already know, challenges are a great way to attract leads, sales and income AND serve and empower yourself and others all at the same time)

We explain more here.  

Short email today, but I wanted to get this out to you ASAP as it's BRAND NEW and FRESH.

You might actually be the first one to see it.

Talk more soon and hope you have an awesome and amazing day!


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PS: You can double speed play the video with the little control in the bottom right hand of the video to watch it faster, if you're short on time.