Subject: "I had a dead soul"

Hey Friend,

Hope you're Saturday is going well. I just woke up from a nap where I had a dream I was at an event, and the last thing I remember before opening my eyes was this father speaking into the microphone in tears, saying..

"I just don't want to leave my family anymore."

Across the audience from this man was another man... who, also in tears, had received the words (from the speaker who had the microphone)...

"I believe in you."

I don't often remember my dreams, but I did this one for some reason.

Last week was our Freedom Fest event, and hopefully there were people in the audience who saw ways to not have to leave their family's any more...

And others who felt believed in, through and through, maybe for the first time in their lives.

Lots of reasons for events, and after doing our Freedom fest events now for 2 years, I'm becoming a true believer in their power, especially the way we do them (which is quite different than anything I've ever experienced) btw.

Anyway, one of the speakers is a guy named Rob who also received our Oak Benefactor award.

At one point, he was standing next to me on stage and he spoke a sentence I'll always remember...

"... I had the money, but I had a dead soul."


Please let my soul be alive and thrive! Please let my soul be filled with life, and love and laughter and kindness.

Please let my soul live in contribution..

Please don't let me have a dead soul.

I made a post on Social Media last night, congratulating Rob on his achievement... and I wanted to pass them along here in this email to you Friend, because I feel like their instructive.


Huge Congratz to Rob Fore on reaching the Oak Benefactor contribution level which means he’s helped to provide 5,000 days of meals to kids in need throughout the world with his affiliate production and given back to our community with outstanding leadership and service.

I’ve learned so much from Rob over our time working together.

Rob has been financially successful from home for a very long time but he would tell you “that’s just silly stuff.”

Of course money is important but there seem to be things in life that are more important than the almighty dollar.

My favorite thing about Rob, is his genuine heart of service.

I’ve heard him talk about times in his career where he had the money and “a dead soul.”

I heard him say he was in a business one time where he made over a million dollars but cried himself to sleep at least a dozen times.

I’ve been in businesses that made my heart hurt too, and I’ve built in ways that I thought were ok at the time, but learned with time and experience were not expressions of my highest self, so I totally resonate with Rob’s authenticity when he speaks of some of his past experiences.

At this point in his career, he truly doesn’t need to be working at all, but he chooses to work and serve with us, solely for the sake of what he can contribute, and boy does he ever contribute.

He’s showed up to our last 2 events and taken our community through deeply transformational experiences, experiences that he paid a lot of money to learn to provide.

People typically pay $1,000 to $5,000 to have these experiences, and Rob has GIVEN them as gifts to our community.

At our event, last week, after he’d taken us through one of these exercises, we were all sitting down to enjoy some live music (also given as gifts ), and Rob wasn’t done serving.

He went and gathered cups, and a bag of nuts, so he could hand deliver a snack to all of us in the audience.

I’ll always remember looking over to see Rob pouring nuts into one of the cups, eyes wide, mouth open, and this look of pure joy and excitement at what he was doing. Literally like a kid on Christmas morning, but instead of receiving, he was giving.

I could tell you lots of things I’ve learned from Rob about business, all of which, I’m super thankful for and inspired by…

But in comparison to the example he’s giving me, of a humble, servant, loving leader… those other things, as valuable as they are, do seem a little bit like ”silly stuff.”

Mike Hobbs and I couldn’t be more proud to present the trophy and ring below to Rob, as they are meant to represent not just business success, but also exemplification of strong character.

These few examples I’ve shared are proof positive that Rob’s awards, are well deserved.

Love ya Rob! Thanks so much for helping us to be the change we wish to see in the world, and giving me such a great example of love, lived out in life, via service to others.

May we continue to “bless, and be blessed” for many years to come. 


Hope this email inspired you today Friend, and shined some light on your path forward.

Thanks for reading,


I'm the dude in the bottom right of the pic, in case you didn't know. :-)

PS - We're changing the world of sales, marketing & residual income with our company. Would love for you to join us, if we're a harmonic match for your vision and your soul.

PPS - Here's the post I made on Facebook about Rob if you'd like to congratulate him with us.